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Simulation models

PySurvival can generate random survival times based on the most commonly used distributions such as:

  • Exponential
  • Weibull
  • Gompertz
  • Log-Logistic
  • Lognormal


To create an instance, use pysurvival.models.simulations.SimulationModel.


  • alpha: double -- the scale parameter
  • beta: double -- the shape parameter
  • censored_parameter: double -- coefficient used to calculate the censored distribution.
  • risk_type: string -- Defines the type of risk function.
  • risk_parameter: double -- scaling coefficient of the risk score
  • survival_distribution: string -- Defines a known survival distribution.
  • times: array-like -- representation of the time axis of the model
  • time_buckets: array-like -- representation of the time axis of the model using time bins, which are represented by


__init__ - Initialization

SimulationModel( survival_distribution = 'exponential', risk_type = 'linear',
                 censored_parameter = 1., alpha = 1, beta = 1., bins = 100,
                 risk_parameter = 1.)


  • survival_distribution: string (default = 'exponential') -- Defines a known survival distribution. The available distributions are:

    • Exponential
    • Weibull
    • Gompertz
    • Log-Logistic
    • Log-Normal
  • risk_type: string (default='linear') -- Defines the type of risk function: - Linear - Square - Gaussian

  • censored_parameter: double (default = 1.) -- Coefficient used to calculate the censored distribution. This distribution is a normal such that N(loc=censored_parameter, scale=5)

  • alpha: double (default = 1.) -- the scale parameter

  • beta: double (default = 1.) -- the shape parameter

  • bins: int (default=100) -- the number of bins of the time axis

  • risk_parameter: double (default = 1.) -- Scaling coefficient for the risk score which can be written as follow:

    • linear:
    • square:
    • gaussian:

generate_data - Generating a dataset of simulated survival times from a given distribution through the hazard function using the Cox model

generate_data(num_samples = 100, num_features = 3, feature_weights=None)


  • num_samples: int (default=100) -- Number of samples to generate

  • num_features: int (default=3) -- Number of features to generate

  • feature_weights: array-like (default=None) -- list of the coefficients of the underlying Cox-Model. The features linked to each coefficient are generated from random distribution from the following list:

    • binomial
    • chisquare
    • exponential
    • gamma
    • normal
    • uniform
    • laplace

    If None then feature_weights = [1.]*num_features


  • dataset: pandas.DataFrame -- dataset of simulated survival times, event status and features

predict_hazard - Predicts the hazard function

predict_hazard(x, t = None)


  • x : array-like -- input samples; where the rows correspond to an individual sample and the columns represent the features (shape=[n_samples, n_features]). x should not be standardized before, the model will take care of it

  • t: double (default=None) -- time at which the prediction should be performed. If None, then it returns the function for all available t.


  • hazard: numpy.ndarray -- array-like representing the prediction of the hazard function

predict_risk - Predicts the risk score



  • x : array-like -- input samples; where the rows correspond to an individual sample and the columns represent the features (shape=[n_samples, n_features]). x should not be standardized before, the model will take care of it


  • risk_score: numpy.ndarray -- array-like representing the prediction of the risk score

predict_survival - Predicts the survival function

predict_survival(x, t = None)


  • x : array-like -- input samples; where the rows correspond to an individual sample and the columns represent the features (shape=[n_samples, n_features]). x should not be standardized before, the model will take care of it

  • t: double (default=None) -- time at which the prediction should be performed. If None, then return the function for all available t.


  • survival: numpy.ndarray -- array-like representing the prediction of the survival function


Let's now see how to generate a dataset designed for survival analysis.

import pandas as pd
from pysurvival.models.simulations import SimulationModel
%pylab inline

# Initializing the simulation model
sim = SimulationModel( survival_distribution = 'gompertz',
                       risk_type = 'linear',
                       censored_parameter = 5.0,
                       alpha = 0.01,
                       beta = 5., )

# Generating N Random samples
N = 1000
dataset = sim.generate_data(num_samples = N, num_features=5)

# Showing a few data-points

We can now see an overview of the data:

x_1 x_2 x_3 x_4 x_5 time event
3.956896 124.0 0.018274 57.480199 -5.42258 0.024329 1.0
4.106100 117.0 0.111276 51.770875 4.105588 0.175530 1.0

PySurvival also displays the Base Survival function of the Simulation model:

from pysurvival.utils.display import display_baseline_simulations
display_baseline_simulations(sim, figure_size=(20, 6))
PySurvival - Simulations model - Base Survival function of the Simulation model
Figure 1 - Base Survival function of the Simulation model