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Kaplan Meier model

The Kaplan–Meier estimator, introduced by Kaplan et al. in 1958, also known as the product limit estimator, is a non-parametric model used to estimate the survival function of a cohort.


To create an instance, use pysurvival.models.non_parametric.KaplanMeierModel.


  • cumulative_hazard: array-like -- representation of the cumulative hazard function of the model
  • hazard: array-like -- representation of the hazard function of the model
  • survival: array-like -- representation of the Survival function of the model
  • times: array-like -- representation of the time axis of the model
  • time_buckets: array-like -- representation of the time axis of the model using time bins, which are represented by


fit - Fit the estimator based on the given parameters

fit(T,  E, weights = None, alpha=0.05)


  • T : array-like -- target values describing the time when the event of interest or censoring occurred.

  • E : array-like -- values that indicate if the event of interest occurred i.e.: E[i]=1 corresponds to an event, and E[i] = 0 means censoring, for all i.

  • weights : array-like (default = None) -- array of weights that are assigned to individual samples. If not provided, then each sample is given a unit weight.

  • alpha: float (default = 0.05) -- confidence level


  • self : object

predict_density - Predicts the probability density function at a specified time t



  • t: double -- time at which the prediction should be performed.


  • density: double -- prediction of the probability density function at t

predict_hazard - Predicts the hazard function at a specified time t



  • t: double -- time at which the prediction should be performed.


  • hazard: double -- prediction of the hazard function at t

predict_survival - Predicts the survival function at a specified time t



  • t: double -- time at which the prediction should be performed.


  • survival: double -- prediction of the survival function at t


# Importing modules
import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from pysurvival.models.non_parametric import KaplanMeierModel
from pysurvival.utils.display import display_non_parametric
# %matplotlib inline #Uncomment when using Jupyter 

# Generating random times and event indicators 
T = np.round(np.abs(np.random.normal(10, 10, 1000)), 1)
E = np.random.binomial(1, 0.3, 1000)

# Initializing the KaplanMeierModel
km_model = KaplanMeierModel()

# Fitting the model, E, alpha=0.95)

# Displaying the survival function and confidence intervals

PySurvival - Kaplan Meier - Representing the Survival function
Figure 1 - Representation of the Kaplan Meier Survival function