
A WorkflowInterceptor that does not intercept anything.


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open fun <P, S> onInitialState(props: P, snapshot: Snapshot?, workflowScope: CoroutineScope, proceed: (P, Snapshot?, CoroutineScope) -> S, session: WorkflowInterceptor.WorkflowSession): S

Intercepts calls to StatefulWorkflow.initialState.

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open fun <P, S> onPropsChanged(old: P, new: P, state: S, proceed: (P, P, S) -> S, session: WorkflowInterceptor.WorkflowSession): S

Intercepts calls to StatefulWorkflow.onPropsChanged.

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open fun <P, S, O, R> onRender(renderProps: P, renderState: S, context: BaseRenderContext<P, S, O>, proceed: (P, S, WorkflowInterceptor.RenderContextInterceptor<P, S, O>?) -> R, session: WorkflowInterceptor.WorkflowSession): R

Intercepts calls to StatefulWorkflow.render.

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Intercept a full rendering pass which involves rendering then snapshotting the workflow tree. This is useful for tracing purposes.

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open fun onSessionStarted(workflowScope: CoroutineScope, session: WorkflowInterceptor.WorkflowSession)

Called when the session is starting, before onInitialState.

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open fun <S> onSnapshotState(state: S, proceed: (S) -> Snapshot?, session: WorkflowInterceptor.WorkflowSession): Snapshot?

Intercepts calls to StatefulWorkflow.snapshotState.

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Intercept calls to StatefulWorkflow.snapshotState including the children calls. This is useful to intercept a rendering + snapshot traversal for tracing purposes.