
abstract fun initialState(props: PropsT, snapshot: Snapshot?): StateT(source)

Called from RenderContext.renderChild when the state machine is first started, to get the initial state.



If the workflow is being created fresh, OR the workflow is being restored from a null or empty Snapshot, snapshot will be null. A snapshot is considered "empty" if Snapshot.bytes returns an empty ByteString, probably because snapshotState returned null. If the workflow is being restored from a Snapshot, snapshot will be the last value returned from snapshotState, and implementations that return something other than null should create their initial state by parsing their snapshot.

open fun initialState(props: PropsT, snapshot: Snapshot?, workflowScope: CoroutineScope): StateT(source)

See also

. This method should only be used with a SessionWorkflow. It's just a pass through here so that we can add this behavior for SessionWorkflow without disrupting all StatefulWorkflows.