class WorkflowTurbine<RenderingT>(val firstRendering: RenderingT, receiveTurbine: ReceiveTurbine<RenderingT>)(source)
Simple wrapper around a ReceiveTurbine of RenderingT to provide convenience helper methods specific to Workflow renderings.
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suspend fun <T> awaitNext(precondition: (RenderingT) -> Boolean = { true }, map: (RenderingT) -> T, satisfying: T.() -> Boolean = { true }): T
Suspend waiting for the next rendering which satisfies precondition, can successfully be mapped using map and satisfies the satisfying predicate when called on the T rendering after it has been mapped.
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Suspend waiting for the next rendering to be produced by the Workflow runtime. Note this includes the first (synchronously made) rendering.
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Suspend waiting for the next rendering to be produced by the Workflow runtime that satisfies the predicate.
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