Package-level declarations


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A WorkflowInterceptor that does not intercept anything.

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class RenderingAndSnapshot<out RenderingT>(val rendering: RenderingT, val snapshot: TreeSnapshot)

Tuple of rendering and snapshot used by renderWorkflowIn.

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A specification of the possible Workflow Runtime options.

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A WorkflowInterceptor that just prints all method calls using log.

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Aggregate of all the snapshots of a tree of workflows.

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This is used to mark any experimental runtimes.

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Provides hooks into the workflow runtime that can be used to instrument or modify the behavior of workflows.


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fun <PropsT, OutputT, RenderingT> renderWorkflowIn(workflow: Workflow<PropsT, OutputT, RenderingT>, scope: CoroutineScope, props: StateFlow<PropsT>, initialSnapshot: TreeSnapshot? = null, interceptors: List<WorkflowInterceptor> = emptyList(), runtimeConfig: RuntimeConfig = RuntimeConfigOptions.DEFAULT_CONFIG, onOutput: suspend (OutputT) -> Unit): StateFlow<RenderingAndSnapshot<RenderingT>>

Launches the workflow in a new coroutine in scope and returns a StateFlow of its renderings and snapshots. The workflow tree is seeded with initialSnapshot and the current value value of props. Subsequent values emitted from props will be used to re-render the workflow.