
Result of a RenderTester.render call that can be used to verify that a WorkflowAction was processed and perform assertions on that action.

See also


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Starts a new RenderTester session using the same props as the previous session started by testRender or testNextRenderWithProps, and the state that is a result of the latest render pass (the same one you could run assertions on in verifyActionResult).

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Starts a new RenderTester session using newProps props, and the state that is a result of the latest render pass (the same one you could run assertions on in verifyActionResult).

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Asserts that the render pass handled either a workflow/worker output or a rendering event, and passes the resulting WorkflowAction to block for asserting.

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abstract fun verifyActionResult(block: (newState: StateT, appliedResult: WorkflowOutput<OutputT>?) -> Unit): RenderTestResult<PropsT, StateT, OutputT, RenderingT>

Asserts that the render pass handled either a workflow/worker output or a rendering event, "executes" the action with the state passed to testRender, then invokes block with the resulting state and output values.