Package-level declarations


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Interface implemented by a rendering class to allow it to drive a composable UI via an appropriate ScreenComposableFactory implementation, by simply overriding the Content method.

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typealias CompositionRoot = @Composable (content: @Composable () -> Unit) -> Unit

A composable function that will be used to wrap the first (highest-level) ScreenComposableFactory view factory in a composition. This can be used to setup any composition locals that all ScreenComposableFactory factories need access to, such as UI themes.

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A ViewRegistry.Entry that uses a Composable function to display ScreenT. This is the fundamental unit of Compose tooling in Workflow UI, the Compose analogue of ScreenViewFactory.


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Exposes the textValue of a TextController as a remembered MutableState, suitable for use from @Composable functions.

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inline fun ComposeScreen(crossinline content: @Composable () -> Unit): ComposeScreen

Convenience function for creating anonymous ComposeScreens since composable fun interfaces aren't supported. See the ComposeScreen class for more information.

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fun <PropsT, OutputT : Any, RenderingT> Workflow<PropsT, OutputT, RenderingT>.renderAsState(props: PropsT, interceptors: List<WorkflowInterceptor> = emptyList(), scope: CoroutineScope = rememberCoroutineScope(), runtimeConfig: RuntimeConfig = RuntimeConfigOptions.DEFAULT_CONFIG, onOutput: suspend (OutputT) -> Unit): State<RenderingT>

Runs this Workflow as long as this composable is part of the composition, and returns a State object that will be updated whenever the runtime emits a new RenderingT. Note that here, and in the rest of the documentation for this class, the "State" type refers to Compose's snapshot State type, not the concept of the StateT type in a particular workflow.

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Alternative to WorkflowLayout for a pure Compose application. Makes the receiver available via LocalWorkflowEnvironment and runs the composition bound to screen.

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It is rare to call this method directly. Instead the most common path is to pass Screen instances to WorkflowRendering, which will apply the ScreenComposableFactory and ScreenComposableFactoryFinder machinery for you.

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Replaces the ScreenComposableFactoryFinder and ScreenViewFactoryFinder found in the receiving ViewEnvironment with wrappers that are able to delegate from one platform to the other. Required to allow WorkflowViewStub to handle renderings bound to @Composable functions, and to allow WorkflowRendering to handle renderings bound to ScreenViewFactory.

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Returns a ScreenComposableFactoryFinder that ensures that any ScreenComposableFactory factories registered in this registry will be wrapped exactly once with a CompositionRoot wrapper. See CompositionRoot for more information.

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Renders rendering into the composition using the ViewEnvironment found in LocalWorkflowEnvironment to source a ScreenComposableFactoryFinder to generate the view.