Package-level declarations


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data class AlertOverlay(val buttons: Map<AlertOverlay.Button, String> = emptyMap(), val message: String = "", val title: String = "", val cancelable: Boolean = true, val onEvent: (AlertOverlay.Event) -> Unit) : ModalOverlay

Models a typical "You sure about that?" alert box.

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Informs views whether they're children of a BackStackScreen, and if so whether they're the first frame or not.

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Represents an active screen (top), and a set of previously visited screens to which we may return (backStack). By rendering the entire history we allow the UI to do things like maintain cached view state, implement drag-back gestures without waiting for the workflow, etc.

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class BodyAndOverlaysScreen<B : Screen, O : Overlay>(val body: B, val overlays: List<O> = emptyList(), val name: String = "") : Screen, Compatible

A screen that may stack a number of Overlays over a body. If any members of overlays are ModalOverlay, the body and lower-indexed members of that list are expected to ignore input events -- touch, keyboard, etc.

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A basic ScreenOverlay that covers its container with the wrapped content.

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Marker interface identifying Overlay renderings whose presence indicates that events are blocked from lower layers.

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Marker interface implemented by window-like renderings that map to a layer above a base Screen by being placed in a BodyAndOverlaysScreen.overlays list. See BodyAndOverlaysScreen for more details.

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Returns a new BackStackScreen with the BackStackScreen.frames of other added to those of the receiver. other is nullable for convenience when using with toBackStackScreenOrNull.