
A ViewRegistry.Entry that can build Android View instances, along with functions that can update them to display Screen renderings of a particular type, bundled together in instances of ScreenViewHolder.

Use fromLayout, fromViewBinding, etc., to create a ScreenViewFactory. These helper methods take a layout resource, view binding, or view building function as arguments, along with a factory to create a ScreenViewRunner.showRendering function.

It is rare to call buildView directly. Instead the most common path is to pass Screen instances to, which will apply the ScreenViewFactory machinery for you.

If you are building a custom container and for some reason can't delegate to WorkflowViewStub, here is how to do the work yourself:


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object Companion


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abstract val type: KClass<in ScreenT>


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abstract fun buildView(initialRendering: ScreenT, initialEnvironment: ViewEnvironment, context: Context, container: ViewGroup? = null): ScreenViewHolder<ScreenT>

It is rare to call this method directly. Instead the most common path is to pass Screen instances to, which will apply the ScreenViewFactory machinery for you.

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inline fun <SourceT : Screen, TransformedT : Screen> ScreenViewFactory<TransformedT>.map(noinline transform: (wrapperScreen: SourceT) -> TransformedT, crossinline prepEnvironment: (environment: ViewEnvironment) -> ViewEnvironment = { e -> e }, crossinline prepContext: (environment: ViewEnvironment, context: Context) -> Context = { _, c -> c }, crossinline showSource: (view: View, source: SourceT, transform: (wrapperScreen: SourceT) -> TransformedT, environment: ViewEnvironment, showTransformed: (TransformedT, ViewEnvironment) -> Unit) -> Unit = { _, src, xform, e, showTransformed -> showTransformed(xform(src), e) }): ScreenViewFactory<SourceT>

Transforms a ScreenViewFactory of TransformedT into one that can handle instances of SourceT.

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fun <ScreenT : Screen> ScreenViewFactory<ScreenT>.startShowing(initialRendering: ScreenT, initialEnvironment: ViewEnvironment, contextForNewView: Context, container: ViewGroup? = null, viewStarter: ViewStarter? = null): ScreenViewHolder<ScreenT>

Convenience that combines ScreenViewFactory.buildView and ScreenViewHolder.startShowing, since we rarely need to do work between those two calls.