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[jvm] @WorkflowUiExperimentalApi()

interface TextController

Helper class for keeping a workflow in sync with editable text in a UI, without interfering with the user’s typing.


  1. For every editable string in your state, create a property of type [TextController]( data class State(val text: TextController = TextController())
  2. Create a matching property in your rendering type. data class Rendering(val text: TextController)
  3. In your render method, copy each [TextController]( from your state to your rendering: return Rendering(state.text)
  4. In your view code's showRendering method, call the appropriate extension function for your UI platform, e.g.:
    • control() for an Android EditText viiew
    • asMutableState() from an Android @Composable function

If your workflow needs to access or change the current text value, get the value from textValue. If your workflow needs to react to changes, it can observe onTextChanged by converting it to a worker.


Name Summary
onTextChanged [jvm] abstract val onTextChanged: Flow<String>A Flow that emits the text value whenever it changes – and only when it changes, the current value is not provided at subscription time.
textValue [jvm] abstract var textValue: StringThe current text value.




Name Summary
asMutableState [androidJvm]

fun TextController.asMutableState(): MutableState<String>
More info
Exposes the textValue of a TextController as a remembered MutableState, suitable for use from @Composable functions.

control [androidJvm]

fun TextController.control(view: EditText)
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Call this from your view code’s showRendering method.