
data class PropertyData(annotations: List<AnnotationSpec>, val fieldData: FieldData?, val getterData: MethodData?, val setterData: MethodData?, val isJvmField: Boolean)

Represents relevant information on a property used for ClassInspector. Should only be associated with properties of a ClassData.



declared annotations on this property.


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constructor(annotations: List<AnnotationSpec>, fieldData: FieldData?, getterData: MethodData?, setterData: MethodData?, isJvmField: Boolean)


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val allAnnotations: Collection<AnnotationSpec>

A collection of all annotations on this property including declared ones and any derived from fieldData, getterData, setterData, and isJvmField.

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associated FieldData with this property, if any.

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associated getter (as MethodData) with this property, if any.

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indicates if this property should be treated as a jvm field.

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Indicates if this property overrides another from a supertype.

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associated setter (as MethodData) with this property, if any.