
interface ClassInspector

A basic interface for looking up JVM information about a given Class.



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Indicates if this ClassInspector supports AnnotationRetention.RUNTIME-retained annotations. This is used to indicate if manual inference of certain non-RUNTIME-retained annotations should be done, such as JvmName.


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fun ClassInspector.classFor(className: ClassName): KmClass

Looks up other classes, such as for nested members. Note that this class would always be Kotlin, so Metadata can be relied on for this.

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abstract fun containerData(declarationContainer: KmDeclarationContainer, className: ClassName, parentClassName: ClassName?): ContainerData

Creates a new ContainerData instance for a given declarationContainer.

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fun ClassInspector.containerData(className: ClassName, parentClassName: ClassName?): ContainerData

Creates a new ContainerData instance for a given className.

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abstract fun declarationContainerFor(className: ClassName): KmDeclarationContainer

Looks up other declaration containers, such as for nested members. Note that this class would always be Kotlin, so Metadata can be relied on for this.

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abstract fun enumEntry(enumClassName: ClassName, memberName: String): EnumEntryData

Looks up the enum entry on a given enum given its member name.

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abstract fun isInterface(className: ClassName): Boolean

Looks up a class and returns whether or not it is an interface. Note that this class can be Java or Kotlin, so Metadata should not be relied on for this.

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abstract fun methodExists(className: ClassName, methodSignature: JvmMethodSignature): Boolean

Looks up if a given methodSignature within className exists.