
public struct FocusState<Value> where Value : Hashable

A property wrapper type that can read and write a value that represents the placement of focus.

Use this property wrapper in conjunction with modifiers on elements that support focus, such as TextField.focused(when:equals:) and TextField.focused(when:), to describe when those elements should have focus. When focus enters the modified element, the wrapped value of this property updates to match a given value. Similarly, when focus leaves, the wrapped value of this property resets to nil or false. Setting this property’s value programmatically has the reverse effect, causing focus to move to the element associated with the updated value.

In the following example of a simple login screen, when the user presses the Sign In button and one of the fields is still empty, focus moves to that field. Otherwise, the sign-in process proceeds.

struct LoginForm: ProxyElement {
    enum Field: Hashable {
        case username
        case password

    var username: String
    var password: String
    var handleLogin: () -> Void

    @FocusState private var focusedField: Field?

    var elementRepresentation: Element {
        Column { column in
                child: TextField(text: "")
                    .focused(when: $focusedField, equals: .username)

                child: TextField(text: "")
                    .focused(when: $focusedField, equals: .password)

                child: Button(
                    onTap: {
                        if username.isEmpty {
                            focusedField = .username
                        } else if password.isEmpty {
                            focusedField = .password
                        } else {
                    wrapping: Label(text: "Sign In")

To allow for cases where focus is completely absent from a view tree, the wrapped value must be either an optional or a Boolean. Set the focus binding to false or nil as appropriate to remove focus from all bound fields. You can also use this to remove focus from a TextField and thereby dismiss the keyboard.


To auto-focus a field when it appears, set the value in an onAppear hook.

struct Example: ProxyElement {
    @FocusState var isFocused: Bool

    var elementRepresentation: Element {
        TextField(text: "")
            .focused(when: $isFocused)
            .onAppear {
                isFocused = true

Avoid Ambiguous Focus Bindings

A TextField can have only one focus binding, stored in its focusBinding property. If you apply the focused modifier multiple times, the last one will overwrite the previous value.

On the other hand, binding the same value to two views is ambiguous. In the following example, two separate fields bind focus to the name value:

struct Content: ProxyElement {
    enum Field: Hashable {
        case name
        case fullName

    @FocusState private var focusedField: Field?

    var elementRepresentation: Element {
        Column { column in
                child: TextField(text: "")
                    .focused(when: $focusedField, equals: .name)

                child: TextField(text: "")
                    .focused(when: $focusedField, equals: .name) // incorrect re-use of .name

If the user moves focus to either field, the focusedField binding updates to name. However, if the app programmatically sets the value to name, the last field bound will be chosen.

  • Creates a focus state that binds to a Boolean.



    public init() where Value == Bool
  • Creates a focus state that binds to an optional type.



    public init<T>() where Value == T?, T : Hashable
  • The current state value, taking into account whatever bindings might be in effect due to the current location of focus.

    When focus is not in any view that is bound to this state, the wrapped value will be nil (for optional-typed state) or false (for Bool- typed state).



    public var wrappedValue: Value { get nonmutating set }
  • A projection of the focus state that can be bound to focusable elements.

    Use this property wrapper in conjunction with modifiers on elements that support focus, such as TextField.focused(when:equals) and TextField.focused(when:), to describe when those elements should have focus.

    To add focus support to a custom element, use one of the methods on this projection to retrieve a FocusBinding: binding() for Bool values and binding(for:) for optional values.



    public var projectedValue: `Self` { get }
  • Gets a focus binding associated with the FocusState being a specific value.

    You can use this binding to add focus support to a custom element.

    When the FocusState property is set to this value, the binding’s focus trigger will fire, and when the property is set to another value, the binding’s blur trigger will fire. Similarly, calling the onFocus callback will set the FocusState to this value, and the onBlur callback will set it to nil.

    See Also




    public func binding<T>(for value: T) -> FocusBinding where Value == T?, T : Hashable
  • Gets a focus binding associated with the FocusState value being true.

    You can use this binding to add focus support to a custom element.

    When the FocusState property is set to true, the binding’s focus trigger will fire, and when the property is set to false, the binding’s blur trigger will fire. Similarly, calling the onFocus callback will set the FocusState to true, and the onBlur callback will set it to false.

    See Also




    public func binding() -> FocusBinding where Value == Bool