
public protocol EnvironmentKey

Types conforming to this protocol can be used as keys in an Environment.

Using a type as the key allows us to strongly type each value, with the key’s EnvironmentKey.Value associated value.


Usually a key is implemented with an uninhabited type, such an empty enum.

enum WidgetCountKey: EnvironmentKey {
    static let defaultValue: Int = 0

You can write a small extension on Environment to make it easier to use your key.

extension Environment {
    var widgetCount: Int {
        get { self[WidgetCountKey.self] }
        set { self[WidgetCountKey.self] = newValue }
  • The type of value stored by this key.



    associatedtype Value
  • The default value that will be vended by an Environment for this key if no other value has been set.



    static var defaultValue: Self.Value { get }