
expect abstract fun readUtf8(): String

Removes all bytes from this, decodes them as UTF-8, and returns the string. Returns the empty string if this source is empty.

Buffer buffer = new Buffer()
.writeUtf8("Uh uh uh!")
.writeByte(' ')
.writeUtf8("You didn't say the magic word!");

assertEquals("Uh uh uh! You didn't say the magic word!", buffer.readUtf8());
assertEquals(0, buffer.size());

assertEquals("", buffer.readUtf8());
assertEquals(0, buffer.size());

expect abstract fun readUtf8(byteCount: Long): String

Removes byteCount bytes from this, decodes them as UTF-8, and returns the string.

Buffer buffer = new Buffer()
.writeUtf8("Uh uh uh!")
.writeByte(' ')
.writeUtf8("You didn't say the magic word!");
assertEquals(40, buffer.size());

assertEquals("Uh uh uh! You ", buffer.readUtf8(14));
assertEquals(26, buffer.size());

assertEquals("didn't say the", buffer.readUtf8(14));
assertEquals(12, buffer.size());

assertEquals(" magic word!", buffer.readUtf8(12));
assertEquals(0, buffer.size());
actual abstract fun readUtf8(): String
actual abstract fun readUtf8(byteCount: Long): String
actual abstract fun readUtf8(): String
actual abstract fun readUtf8(byteCount: Long): String