
expect sealed interface BufferedSink : Sink

A sink that keeps a buffer internally so that callers can do small writes without a performance penalty.



actual interface BufferedSink : Sink



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expect abstract val buffer: Buffer

This sink's internal buffer.

actual abstract val buffer: Buffer
actual abstract val buffer: Buffer


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Returns a new sink that buffers writes to sink. The returned sink will batch writes to sink. Use this wherever you write to a sink to get an ergonomic and efficient access to data.

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Returns a sink that uses cipher to encrypt or decrypt this.

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expect abstract override fun close()

Pushes all buffered bytes to their final destination and releases the resources held by this sink. It is an error to write a closed sink. It is safe to close a sink more than once.

actual abstract override fun close()
actual abstract override fun close()
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inline fun Sink.deflate(deflater: Deflater = Deflater()): DeflaterSink

Returns an DeflaterSink that DEFLATE-compresses data to this Sink while writing.

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expect abstract fun emit(): BufferedSink

Writes all buffered data to the underlying sink, if one exists. Like flush, but weaker. Call this before this buffered sink goes out of scope so that its data can reach its destination.

actual abstract fun emit(): BufferedSink
actual abstract fun emit(): BufferedSink
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expect abstract fun emitCompleteSegments(): BufferedSink

Writes complete segments to the underlying sink, if one exists. Like flush, but weaker. Use this to limit the memory held in the buffer to a single segment. Typically application code will not need to call this: it is only necessary when application code writes directly to this sink's buffer.

actual abstract fun emitCompleteSegments(): BufferedSink
actual abstract fun emitCompleteSegments(): BufferedSink
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expect abstract override fun flush()

Writes all buffered data to the underlying sink, if one exists. Then that sink is recursively flushed which pushes data as far as possible towards its ultimate destination. Typically that destination is a network socket or file.

actual abstract override fun flush()
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inline fun Sink.gzip(): GzipSink

Returns a GzipSink that gzip-compresses to this Sink while writing.

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Returns a sink that uses digest to hash this.

Returns a sink that uses mac to hash this.

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abstract fun isOpen(): Boolean
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abstract fun outputStream(): OutputStream

Returns an output stream that writes to this sink.

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expect abstract fun timeout(): Timeout

Returns the timeout for this sink.

actual abstract fun timeout(): Timeout
actual abstract fun timeout(): Timeout
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expect abstract fun write(source: ByteArray): BufferedSink

Like OutputStream.write, this writes a complete byte array to this sink.

expect abstract fun write(byteString: ByteString): BufferedSink
expect abstract fun write(byteString: ByteString, offset: Int, byteCount: Int): BufferedSink

expect abstract fun write(source: Source, byteCount: Long): BufferedSink

Removes byteCount bytes from source and appends them to this sink.

expect abstract fun write(source: ByteArray, offset: Int, byteCount: Int): BufferedSink

Like OutputStream.write, this writes byteCount bytes of source, starting at offset.

expect abstract fun write(source: Buffer, byteCount: Long)

Removes byteCount bytes from source and appends them to this.

abstract fun write(p0: ByteBuffer): Int
actual abstract fun write(source: ByteArray): BufferedSink
actual abstract fun write(byteString: ByteString): BufferedSink
actual abstract fun write(source: Source, byteCount: Long): BufferedSink
actual abstract fun write(source: ByteArray, offset: Int, byteCount: Int): BufferedSink
actual abstract fun write(byteString: ByteString, offset: Int, byteCount: Int): BufferedSink
actual abstract fun write(source: Buffer, byteCount: Long)
actual abstract fun write(source: ByteArray): BufferedSink
actual abstract fun write(byteString: ByteString): BufferedSink
actual abstract fun write(source: Source, byteCount: Long): BufferedSink
actual abstract fun write(source: ByteArray, offset: Int, byteCount: Int): BufferedSink
actual abstract fun write(byteString: ByteString, offset: Int, byteCount: Int): BufferedSink
actual abstract fun write(source: Buffer, byteCount: Long)
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expect abstract fun writeAll(source: Source): Long

Removes all bytes from source and appends them to this sink. Returns the number of bytes read which will be 0 if source is exhausted.

actual abstract fun writeAll(source: Source): Long
actual abstract fun writeAll(source: Source): Long
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expect abstract fun writeByte(b: Int): BufferedSink

Writes a byte to this sink.

actual abstract fun writeByte(b: Int): BufferedSink
actual abstract fun writeByte(b: Int): BufferedSink
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expect abstract fun writeDecimalLong(v: Long): BufferedSink

Writes a long to this sink in signed decimal form (i.e., as a string in base 10).

actual abstract fun writeDecimalLong(v: Long): BufferedSink
actual abstract fun writeDecimalLong(v: Long): BufferedSink
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Writes a long to this sink in hexadecimal form (i.e., as a string in base 16).

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expect abstract fun writeInt(i: Int): BufferedSink

Writes a big-endian int to this sink using four bytes.

actual abstract fun writeInt(i: Int): BufferedSink
actual abstract fun writeInt(i: Int): BufferedSink
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expect abstract fun writeIntLe(i: Int): BufferedSink

Writes a little-endian int to this sink using four bytes.

actual abstract fun writeIntLe(i: Int): BufferedSink
actual abstract fun writeIntLe(i: Int): BufferedSink
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expect abstract fun writeLong(v: Long): BufferedSink

Writes a big-endian long to this sink using eight bytes.

actual abstract fun writeLong(v: Long): BufferedSink
actual abstract fun writeLong(v: Long): BufferedSink
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expect abstract fun writeLongLe(v: Long): BufferedSink

Writes a little-endian long to this sink using eight bytes.

actual abstract fun writeLongLe(v: Long): BufferedSink
actual abstract fun writeLongLe(v: Long): BufferedSink
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expect abstract fun writeShort(s: Int): BufferedSink

Writes a big-endian short to this sink using two bytes.

actual abstract fun writeShort(s: Int): BufferedSink
actual abstract fun writeShort(s: Int): BufferedSink
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expect abstract fun writeShortLe(s: Int): BufferedSink

Writes a little-endian short to this sink using two bytes.

actual abstract fun writeShortLe(s: Int): BufferedSink
actual abstract fun writeShortLe(s: Int): BufferedSink
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abstract fun writeString(string: String, charset: Charset): BufferedSink
abstract fun writeString(string: String, beginIndex: Int, endIndex: Int, charset: Charset): BufferedSink
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expect abstract fun writeUtf8(string: String): BufferedSink

Encodes string in UTF-8 and writes it to this sink.

expect abstract fun writeUtf8(string: String, beginIndex: Int, endIndex: Int): BufferedSink

Encodes the characters at beginIndex up to endIndex from string in UTF-8 and writes it to this sink.

actual abstract fun writeUtf8(string: String): BufferedSink
actual abstract fun writeUtf8(string: String, beginIndex: Int, endIndex: Int): BufferedSink
actual abstract fun writeUtf8(string: String): BufferedSink
actual abstract fun writeUtf8(string: String, beginIndex: Int, endIndex: Int): BufferedSink
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expect abstract fun writeUtf8CodePoint(codePoint: Int): BufferedSink

Encodes codePoint in UTF-8 and writes it to this sink.

actual abstract fun writeUtf8CodePoint(codePoint: Int): BufferedSink
actual abstract fun writeUtf8CodePoint(codePoint: Int): BufferedSink