Online Payment
The description of a completed payment, returned in the success value of Payment Result. All currency amounts are specified in the smallest denomination of the applicable currency. For example, US dollar amounts are specified in cents.
Builder class for constructing OnlinePayment objects.
The base amount of money processed for this payment, not including tipMoney.
The amount taken by the developer as a fee, not more than 90% of totalMoney.
Actions that can be performed on this payment.
Non-confidential details for the source card, and auth code for this payment.
An optional field for a cash payment that holds information such as the buyer supplied amount and the change the user should get back.
An optional customer_id to be entered by the developer when creating a payment.
Details about a digital wallet payment. The details are only populated if the source_type is WALLET.
Details about an external payment. The details are only populated if the sourceType is SourceType.EXTERNAL.
The ID of the location associated with the payment, if available.
Processing fees and fee adjustments assessed by Square on this payment.
An optional receipt number associated with this payment, assigned by Square. The field is missing if the payment is Payment.Status.CANCELED.
The URL for the payment's receipt, generated by Square. The field is only populated for COMPLETED payments.
An optional ID that associates this payment with an entity in another system.
Remaining balance on an account.
The source type of the payment (card, cash, etc).
Details about a Square Account payment. The details are only populated if the sourceType is SourceType.SQUARE_ACCOUNT.
An override of the description line on the buyer's statement. Will be prefixed with Square's "SQ*" prefix, and may be truncated by the bank during generation.
Indicates whether the payment is Status.APPROVED, Status.COMPLETED, Status.CANCELED, or Status.FAILED.
An optional ID of the team member associated with taking the payment.
Total money is defined as base amount plus any tip; it doesn't need its own storage allocated, and definitely doesn't need an independent setter.