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interface HeapGraph

Enables navigation through the heap graph of objects.




Name Summary
findClassByName [jvm]
abstract fun findClassByName(className: String): HeapObject.HeapClass?
Returns the HeapClass corresponding to the provided className, or null if the class cannot be found.
findHeapDumpIndex [jvm]
abstract fun findHeapDumpIndex(objectId: Long): Int
Returns the 1-based index in the heap dump of the object corresponding to the provided objectId, and throws IllegalArgumentException otherwise.
findObjectByHeapDumpIndex [jvm]
abstract fun findObjectByHeapDumpIndex(heapDumpIndex: Int): HeapObject
Returns the HeapObject corresponding to the provided heapDumpIndex, and throws IllegalArgumentException if heapDumpIndex is less than 1 or more than objectCount.
findObjectById [jvm]
abstract fun findObjectById(objectId: Long): HeapObject
Returns the HeapObject corresponding to the provided objectId, and throws IllegalArgumentException otherwise.
findObjectByIdOrNull [jvm]
abstract fun findObjectByIdOrNull(objectId: Long): HeapObject?
Returns the HeapObject corresponding to the provided objectId or null if it cannot be found.
findObjectByIndex [jvm]
abstract fun findObjectByIndex(objectIndex: Int): HeapObject
Returns the HeapObject corresponding to the provided objectIndex, and throws IllegalArgumentException if objectIndex is less than 0 or more than objectCount - 1.
objectExists [jvm]
abstract fun objectExists(objectId: Long): Boolean
Returns true if the provided objectId exists in the heap dump.


Name Summary
aliveAndroidServiceObjectIds [jvm]
val HeapGraph.aliveAndroidServiceObjectIds: List<Long>
classCount [jvm]
abstract val classCount: Int
classes [jvm]
abstract val classes: Sequence<HeapObject.HeapClass>
Sequence of all classes in the heap dump.
context [jvm]
abstract val context: GraphContext
In memory store that can be used to store objects this HeapGraph instance.
gcRoots [jvm]
abstract val gcRoots: List<GcRoot>
All GC roots which type matches types known to this heap graph and which point to non null references. You can retrieve the object that a GC Root points to by calling findObjectById with, however you need to first check that objectExists returns true because GC roots can point to objects that don’t exist in the heap dump.
identifierByteSize [jvm]
abstract val identifierByteSize: Int
instanceCount [jvm]
abstract val instanceCount: Int
instances [jvm]
abstract val instances: Sequence<HeapObject.HeapInstance>
Sequence of all instances in the heap dump.
objectArrayCount [jvm]
abstract val objectArrayCount: Int
objectArrays [jvm]
abstract val objectArrays: Sequence<HeapObject.HeapObjectArray>
Sequence of all object arrays in the heap dump.
objectCount [jvm]
abstract val objectCount: Int
objects [jvm]
abstract val objects: Sequence<HeapObject>
Sequence of all objects in the heap dump.
primitiveArrayCount [jvm]
abstract val primitiveArrayCount: Int
primitiveArrays [jvm]
abstract val primitiveArrays: Sequence<HeapObject.HeapPrimitiveArray>
Sequence of all primitive arrays in the heap dump.