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Coding Workflow UI

This page translates the high level discussion of Workflow UI into Android and iOS code.

Separation of Concerns

Workflow maintains a rigid separation between its core runtime and its UI support. The Workflow Core modules are strictly Swift and Kotlin, with no dependencies on any UI framework. Dependencies on Android and iOS are restricted to the Workflow UI modules, as you would expect. This innate separation naturally puts developers on a path to avoid entangling view concerns with their app logic.

And note that we say “app logic” rather than “business logic.” In any interesting app, the code that manages navigation and other UI-releated behavior is likely to dwarf that for what we typically think of as model concerns, in both size and complexity.

We’re all pretty good at capturing business concerns in tidy object-oriented models of items for sale, shopping carts, payment cards and the like, nicely decoupled from the UI world. But the rest of the app, and in particular the bits about how our users navigate it? Traditionally it’s hard to keep that app-specific logic centralized, so that you can see what’s going on; and even harder to keep it decoupled from your view system, so that it’s easy to test. The strict divide between Workflow UI and Workflow Core leads you to maintain that separation by accident.


The following snippets demonstrate using Workflow to drive the root views of iOS and Android apps. But really, you can host a Workflow driven UI anywhere you can show a view, whatever “view” means on your platform.

class AppDelegate: UIResponder, UIApplicationDelegate {
    var window: UIWindow?

    func application(_ application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [UIApplication.LaunchOptionsKey: Any]?) -> Bool {
        window = UIWindow(frame: UIScreen.main.bounds)

        window?.rootViewController = ContainerViewController(workflow: RootWorkflow())


        return true

Android classic makes things a little complicated (naturally), as your Workflow runtime has to survive configuration changes. Our habit is use a Jetpack ViewModel to solve that problem, on what is typically the only line of code in a Workflow app that deals with the Jetpack Lifecycle at all.

class HelloWorkflowActivity : AppCompatActivity() {
  override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {

    // This ViewModel will survive configuration changes. It's instantiated
    // by the first call to androidx.activity.viewModels(), and that
    // original instance is returned by succeeding calls.
    val model: HelloViewModel by viewModels()
      WorkflowLayout(this).apply { take(lifecycle, model.renderings) }

class HelloViewModel(savedState: SavedStateHandle) : ViewModel() {
  val renderings: StateFlow<HelloRendering> by lazy {
      workflow = HelloWorkflow,
      scope = viewModelScope,
      savedStateHandle = savedState
class HelloComposeActivity : AppCompatActivity() {
  override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
    setContent {
      val rendering by HelloWorkflow.renderAsState(props = Unit, onOutput = {})
      WorkflowRendering(rendering, ViewEnvironment.EMPTY)

Android developers should note that classic and Compose bootstrapping are completely interchangeable. Each style is able to display Screens of any type, regardless of whether they are set up to inflate View instances or to run @Composeable functions.

Building views from Screens

Hello, Screen world.

struct WelcomeScreen: Screen {
    var name: String
    var onNameChanged: (String) -> Void
    var onLoginTapped: () -> Void

    func viewControllerDescription(environment: ViewEnvironment) -> ViewControllerDescription {
        return WelcomeViewController.description(for: self, environment: environment)

private final class WelcomeViewController: ScreenViewController<WelcomeScreen> {
    override func viewDidLoad() { … }
    override func viewDidLayoutSubviews() { … }

    override func screenDidChange(from previousScreen: WelcomeScreen, previousEnvironment: ViewEnvironment) {
        super.screenDidChange(from: previousScreen, previousEnvironment: previousEnvironment)

        nameField.text =

iOS Screen classes are expected to provide matching ViewControllerDescription instances. A ViewControllerDescription can build a UIViewController on demand, or update an existing one if it’s recognized by ViewControllerDescription.canUpdate(UIViewController).

These duties are all fullfilled by the provided open class ScreenViewController. It’s like any other ViewController, with the addition of:

  • an open screenDidChange() method that the Workflow UI runtime calls with a series of Screen instances of the specified type
  • a description() class method, perfect for calling from Screen.viewcontrollerDescription()
data class HelloScreen(
  val message: String,
  val onClick: () -> Unit
) : AndroidScreen<HelloScreen> {
  override val viewFactory: ScreenViewFactory<HelloScreen> =
    fromViewBinding(HelloViewBinding::inflate) { helloScreen, viewEnvironment ->
      helloMessage.text = helloScreen.message
      helloMessage.setOnClickListener { helloScreen.onClick() }

The Android Screen interface is purely a marker type. It defines no Android-specific methods to ensure you have the option of keeping your app logic pure. If you don’t need that rigor, life is simpler (and safer, no runtime errors) if your Screen renderings implement AndroidScreen instead.

An AndroidScreen is required to provide a matching ScreenViewFactory. ScreenViewFactory returns View instances wrapped in ScreenViewHolder objects. is called by the Workflow UI runtime to update the view with Screen instances that are deemed acceptible by ScreenViewHolder.canShow.

In this example the fromViewBinding function creates a ScreenViewFactory that builds View instances using a Jetpack View Binding, HelloViewBinding, presumably derived from hello_view_binding.xml. The lamda argument to the fromViewBinding provides the implementation for, and is guaranteed that the given helloScreen parameter is of the appropriate type.

Other factory functions are provided to work with layout resources directly, or to build views entirely from code.

data class HelloScreen(
  val message: String,
  val onClick: () -> Unit
) : ComposeScreen<HelloScreen> {
    @Composable override fun Content(viewEnvironment: ViewEnvironment) {
      Button(onClick) {

Here, HelloScreen is implementing ComposeScreen. ComposeScreen extends the same AndroidScreen class used for classic Android, defining @Composable fun Content() to get its work done. Content is always called from a @Composable Box() context.

It’s context aware

Even though AndroidScreen provides a thing called ScreenViewFactory to do its work, the factories built by ComposeScreen are able to recognize whether they’re being called from a classic View or from a @Composeable function, and do the right thing. Workflow UI only creates ComposeView instances as needed: when a @Composeable needs to be shown in a View. If the factory is to be used in a @Composable context, Content() is called directly.

Where is that “separation of concerns” you promised?

After all the chest-thumping above about Separation of Concerns, the code samples above probably look pretty entangled. That’s because, while the Workflow libraries themselves are completely decoupled, they don’t force that strict rigor on your app code.

If you aren’t building, say, a core Workflow module that you want to ship separately from its Android and command line interfaces, you’d probably gain nothing from enforced separation but boilerplate and runtime errors. And in practice, your Workflow unit tests won’t call viewFactory and will build and run just fine against the JVM. Likewise, at this point we’ve been building apps this way for hundreds of engineering years, and so far no one has called viewControllerDescription() and stashed a UIViewController in their workflow state. (This is not a challenge.)

If you are one of the few who truly do need impermeable boundaries between your core and UI modules, they aren’t hard to get. Your Screen implementations can be defined completely separately from their view code and bound later.

struct WelcomeScreen {
    var name: String
    var onNameChanged: (String) -> Void
    var onLoginTapped: () -> Void
extension WelcomeScreen: Screen {
    func viewControllerDescription(environment: ViewEnvironment) -> ViewControllerDescription {
        return WelcomeViewController.description(for: self, environment: environment)

private final class WelcomeViewController: ScreenViewController<WelcomeScreen> {
    // ...

data class HelloScreen(
    val message: String,
    val onClick: () -> Unit
) : Screen
private object HelloScreenGreenThemeViewFactory: ScreenViewFactory<HelloScreen>
by ScreenViewFactory.fromViewBinding(GreenHelloViewBinding::inflate) { r, _ ->
      helloMessage.text = r.message
      helloMessage.setOnClickListener { r.onClick() }
private val viewRegistry = ViewRegistry(HelloScreenGreenThemeViewFactory)

val HelloWorkflowGreenTheme =
    HelloWorkflow.mapRenderings { it.withRegistry(viewRegistry) }

Container screens make container views

A container screen is one that is built out of other Screens. And naturally enough, the thing that a container screen drives is a container view: one that is able to host child views that are driven by Screen instances of arbitrary type.

Workflow UI provides two root container views out of the box, the ContainerViewController and WorkflowLayout classes discussed above, under Bootstrapping. They do most of their work by delegating to another pair of support view classes: ScreenViewController for iOS and WorkflowViewStub for Android. Android also provides @Composable fun WorkflowRendering() for use with Jetpack Compose. For something like a SplitScreen rendering, you’ll write your own view code that does the same.

public struct SplitScreen<LeadingScreenType: Screen, TrailingScreenType: Screen>: Screen {
    public let leadingScreen: LeadingScreenType

    public let trailingScreen: TrailingScreenType

    public func viewControllerDescription(environment: ViewEnvironment) -> ViewControllerDescription {
        return SplitScreenViewController.description(for: self, environment: environment)
internal final class SplitScreenViewController<LeadingScreenType: Screen, TrailingScreenType: Screen>: ScreenViewController<SplitScreenViewController.ContainerScreen> {
    internal typealias ContainerScreen = SplitScreen<LeadingScreenType, TrailingScreenType>

    private var leadingContentViewController: DescribedViewController
    private lazy var leadingContainerView: ContainerView = .init()

    private lazy var separatorView: UIView = .init()

    private var trailingContentViewController: DescribedViewController
    private lazy var trailingContainerView: ContainerView = .init()

    required init(screen: ContainerScreen, environment: ViewEnvironment) {
        self.leadingContentViewController = DescribedViewController(
            screen: screen.leadingScreen,
            environment: environment
        self.trailingContentViewController = DescribedViewController(
            screen: screen.trailingScreen,
            environment: environment
        super.init(screen: screen, environment: environment)

    override internal func screenDidChange(from previousScreen: ContainerScreen, previousEnvironment: ViewEnvironment) {
        super.screenDidChange(from: previousScreen, previousEnvironment: previousEnvironment)

        update(with: screen)

    private func update(with screen: ContainerScreen) {
            screen: screen.leadingScreen,
            environment: environment
            screen: screen.trailingScreen,
            environment: environment

        // Intentional force of layout pass after updating the child view controllers

    override internal func viewDidLoad() {
        /** Lay out the two children horizontally, nothing workflow specific here. */

        update(with: screen)

    override internal func viewDidLayoutSubviews() {
        /** Calculate the layout, nothing workflow specific here. */

The interesting thing here is the use of DescribedViewController to display the nested leadingContent and trailingContent Screens. DescribedViewController uses Screen.viewControllerDescription to build a new UIViewController if it needs to, or update an existing one if it can. Everything else is just run of the mill iOS view code.

data class SplitScreen<L: Screen, T: Screen>(
  val leadingScreen: L,
  val trailingScreen: T
): AndroidScreen<SplitScreen<L, T>> {
  override val viewFactory: ScreenViewFactory<SplitScreen<L, T>> =
    fromViewBinding(SplitScreenBinding::inflate) { screen, _ ->
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<LinearLayout xmlns:android=""





data class SplitScreen<L: Screen, T: Screen>(
  val leadingScreen: L,
  val trailingScreen: T
): ComposeScreen<SplitScreen<L, T>> {
  @Composable override fun Content(viewEnvironment: ViewEnvironment) {
    Row {
        rendering = leadingScreen,
        modifier = Modifier
          .weight(1 / 3f)
        rendering = trailingScreen,
        modifier = Modifier
          .weight(2 / 3f)