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extension UpdateChildScreenViewController where Self: UIViewController



public func update<VC: UIViewController, ScreenType: Screen>(
    child: ReferenceWritableKeyPath<Self, VC>,
    with screen: ScreenType,
    in environment: ViewEnvironment,
    onChange: (VC) -> Void = { _ in }

Updates the view controller at the given child key path with the ViewControllerDescription from screen. If the type of the underlying view controller changes between update passes, this method will remove the old view controller, create a new one, update it, and insert it into the view controller hierarchy.

The view controller at child must be a child of self.

  • Parameters:
  • parameter child: The KeyPath which describes what view controller to update. This view controller must be a direct child of self.
  • parameter screen: The Screen instance to apply to the view controller.
  • parameter environment: The environment to used when updating the view controller.
  • parameter onChange: A callback called if the view controller instance changed.


Name Description
child The KeyPath which describes what view controller to update. This view controller must be a direct child of self.
screen The Screen instance to apply to the view controller.
environment The environment to used when updating the view controller.
onChange A callback called if the view controller instance changed.