public struct WorkflowActionTester<WorkflowType, Action> where Action: WorkflowAction, Action.WorkflowType == WorkflowType
Testing helper that chains action sending and state/output assertions to make tests easier to write.
.tester(withState: .firstState)
.send(action: .exampleAction)
.verifyOutput { output in
XCTAssertEqual(.finished, output)
.verifyState { state in
XCTAssertEqual(.differentState, state)
Or to assert that an action produces no output:
.tester(withState: .firstState)
.send(action: .actionProducingNoOutput)
.verifyState { state in
XCTAssertEqual(.differentState, state)
If your State or Output are Equatable
, you can use the convenience assertion methods:
.tester(withState: .firstState)
.send(action: .exampleAction)
.assert(output: .finished)
.assert(state: .differentState)
public func send(action: Action) -> WorkflowActionTester<WorkflowType, Action>
Sends an action to the reducer.
parameter action: The action to send.
returns: A new state tester containing the state and output (if any) after the update.
Name | Description |
action | The action to send. |
public func assertNoOutput(
file: StaticString = #file,
line: UInt = #line
) -> WorkflowActionTester<WorkflowType, Action>
Asserts that the action produced no output
- returns: A tester containing the current state and output.
public func verifyOutput(
file: StaticString = #file,
line: UInt = #line,
_ assertions: (WorkflowType.Output) throws -> Void
) rethrows -> WorkflowActionTester<WorkflowType, Action>
Invokes the given closure (which is intended to contain test assertions) with the produced output. If the previous action produced no output, the triggers a test failure and does not execute the closure.
parameter assertions: A closure that accepts a single output value.
returns: A tester containing the current state and output.
Name | Description |
assertions | A closure that accepts a single output value. |
public func verifyState(_ assertions: (WorkflowType.State) throws -> Void) rethrows -> WorkflowActionTester<WorkflowType, Action>
Invokes the given closure (which is intended to contain test assertions) with the current state.
parameter assertions: A closure that accepts a single state value.
returns: A tester containing the current state and output.
Name | Description |
assertions | A closure that accepts a single state value. |