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addRequestHandler(RequestHandler) - Method in class com.squareup.picasso.Picasso.Builder
Register a RequestHandler.
areIndicatorsEnabled() - Method in class com.squareup.picasso.Picasso
true if debug indicators should are displayed on images.
averageDownloadSize - Variable in class com.squareup.picasso.StatsSnapshot
averageOriginalBitmapSize - Variable in class com.squareup.picasso.StatsSnapshot
averageTransformedBitmapSize - Variable in class com.squareup.picasso.StatsSnapshot


build() - Method in class com.squareup.picasso.Picasso.Builder
Create the Picasso instance.
build() - Method in class com.squareup.picasso.Request.Builder
Create the immutable Request object.
Builder(Context) - Constructor for class com.squareup.picasso.Picasso.Builder
Start building a new Picasso instance.
Builder(Uri) - Constructor for class com.squareup.picasso.Request.Builder
Start building a request using the specified Uri.
Builder(int) - Constructor for class com.squareup.picasso.Request.Builder
Start building a request using the specified resource ID.
buildUpon() - Method in class com.squareup.picasso.Request


Cache - Interface in com.squareup.picasso
A memory cache for storing the most recently used images.
cacheHits - Variable in class com.squareup.picasso.StatsSnapshot
cacheMisses - Variable in class com.squareup.picasso.StatsSnapshot
Callback - Interface in com.squareup.picasso
Callback.EmptyCallback - Class in com.squareup.picasso
cancelRequest(ImageView) - Method in class com.squareup.picasso.Picasso
Cancel any existing requests for the specified target ImageView.
cancelRequest(Target) - Method in class com.squareup.picasso.Picasso
Cancel any existing requests for the specified Target instance.
cancelRequest(RemoteViews, int) - Method in class com.squareup.picasso.Picasso
Cancel any existing requests for the specified RemoteViews target with the given viewId.
cancelTag(Object) - Method in class com.squareup.picasso.Picasso
Cancel any existing requests with given tag.
canHandleRequest(Request) - Method in class com.squareup.picasso.RequestHandler
Whether or not this RequestHandler can handle a request with the given Request.
centerCrop() - Method in class com.squareup.picasso.Request.Builder
Crops an image inside of the bounds specified by Request.Builder.resize(int, int) rather than distorting the aspect ratio.
centerCrop(int) - Method in class com.squareup.picasso.Request.Builder
Crops an image inside of the bounds specified by Request.Builder.resize(int, int) rather than distorting the aspect ratio.
centerCrop - Variable in class com.squareup.picasso.Request
True if the final image should use the 'centerCrop' scale technique.
centerCrop() - Method in class com.squareup.picasso.RequestCreator
Crops an image inside of the bounds specified by RequestCreator.resize(int, int) rather than distorting the aspect ratio.
centerCrop(int) - Method in class com.squareup.picasso.RequestCreator
Crops an image inside of the bounds specified by RequestCreator.resize(int, int) rather than distorting the aspect ratio.
centerCropGravity - Variable in class com.squareup.picasso.Request
If centerCrop is set, controls alignment of centered image
centerInside() - Method in class com.squareup.picasso.Request.Builder
Centers an image inside of the bounds specified by Request.Builder.resize(int, int).
centerInside - Variable in class com.squareup.picasso.Request
True if the final image should use the 'centerInside' scale technique.
centerInside() - Method in class com.squareup.picasso.RequestCreator
Centers an image inside of the bounds specified by RequestCreator.resize(int, int).
clear() - Method in interface com.squareup.picasso.Cache
Clears the cache.
clear() - Method in class com.squareup.picasso.LruCache
clearCenterCrop() - Method in class com.squareup.picasso.Request.Builder
Clear the center crop transformation flag, if set.
clearCenterInside() - Method in class com.squareup.picasso.Request.Builder
Clear the center inside transformation flag, if set.
clearKeyUri(String) - Method in interface com.squareup.picasso.Cache
Remove items whose key is prefixed with keyPrefix.
clearKeyUri(String) - Method in class com.squareup.picasso.LruCache
clearOnlyScaleDown() - Method in class com.squareup.picasso.Request.Builder
Clear the onlyScaleUp flag, if set.
clearResize() - Method in class com.squareup.picasso.Request.Builder
Clear the resize transformation, if any.
clearRotation() - Method in class com.squareup.picasso.Request.Builder
Clear the rotation transformation, if any.
com.squareup.picasso - package com.squareup.picasso
config(Bitmap.Config) - Method in class com.squareup.picasso.Request.Builder
Decode the image using the specified config.
config - Variable in class com.squareup.picasso.Request
Target image config for decoding.
config(Bitmap.Config) - Method in class com.squareup.picasso.RequestCreator
Attempt to decode the image using the specified config.


defaultBitmapConfig(Bitmap.Config) - Method in class com.squareup.picasso.Picasso.Builder
Specify the default Bitmap.Config used when decoding images.
delete(Uri, String, String[]) - Method in class com.squareup.picasso.PicassoProvider
downloadCount - Variable in class com.squareup.picasso.StatsSnapshot
Downloader - Interface in com.squareup.picasso
A mechanism to load images from external resources such as a disk cache and/or the internet.
downloader(Downloader) - Method in class com.squareup.picasso.Picasso.Builder
Specify the Downloader that will be used for downloading images.
dump() - Method in class com.squareup.picasso.StatsSnapshot
Prints out this StatsSnapshot into log.
dump(PrintWriter) - Method in class com.squareup.picasso.StatsSnapshot
Prints out this StatsSnapshot with the the provided PrintWriter.


EmptyCallback() - Constructor for class com.squareup.picasso.Callback.EmptyCallback
error(int) - Method in class com.squareup.picasso.RequestCreator
An error drawable to be used if the request image could not be loaded.
error(Drawable) - Method in class com.squareup.picasso.RequestCreator
An error drawable to be used if the request image could not be loaded.
evictionCount() - Method in class com.squareup.picasso.LruCache
Returns the number of values that have been evicted.
executor(ExecutorService) - Method in class com.squareup.picasso.Picasso.Builder
Specify the executor service for loading images in the background.


fetch() - Method in class com.squareup.picasso.RequestCreator
Asynchronously fulfills the request without a ImageView or Target.
fetch(Callback) - Method in class com.squareup.picasso.RequestCreator
Asynchronously fulfills the request without a ImageView or Target, and invokes the target Callback with the result.
fit() - Method in class com.squareup.picasso.RequestCreator
Attempt to resize the image to fit exactly into the target ImageView's bounds.


get(String) - Method in interface com.squareup.picasso.Cache
Retrieve an image for the specified key or null.
get(String) - Method in class com.squareup.picasso.LruCache
get() - Static method in class com.squareup.picasso.Picasso
The global Picasso instance.
get() - Method in class com.squareup.picasso.RequestCreator
Synchronously fulfill this request.
getBitmap() - Method in class com.squareup.picasso.RequestHandler.Result
The loaded Bitmap.
getLoadedFrom() - Method in class com.squareup.picasso.RequestHandler.Result
Returns the resulting Picasso.LoadedFrom generated from a RequestHandler.load(Request, int) call.
getSnapshot() - Method in class com.squareup.picasso.Picasso
Creates a StatsSnapshot of the current stats for this instance.
getSource() - Method in class com.squareup.picasso.RequestHandler.Result
A stream of image data.
getType(Uri) - Method in class com.squareup.picasso.PicassoProvider


hasRotationPivot - Variable in class com.squareup.picasso.Request
hasSize() - Method in class com.squareup.picasso.Request
hitCount() - Method in class com.squareup.picasso.LruCache
Returns the number of times LruCache.get(java.lang.String) returned a value.


IDENTITY - Static variable in interface com.squareup.picasso.Picasso.RequestTransformer
A Picasso.RequestTransformer which returns the original request.
indicatorsEnabled(boolean) - Method in class com.squareup.picasso.Picasso.Builder
Toggle whether to display debug indicators on images.
insert(Uri, ContentValues) - Method in class com.squareup.picasso.PicassoProvider
into(Target) - Method in class com.squareup.picasso.RequestCreator
Asynchronously fulfills the request into the specified Target.
into(RemoteViews, int, int, Notification) - Method in class com.squareup.picasso.RequestCreator
Asynchronously fulfills the request into the specified RemoteViews object with the given viewId.
into(RemoteViews, int, int, Notification, String) - Method in class com.squareup.picasso.RequestCreator
Asynchronously fulfills the request into the specified RemoteViews object with the given viewId.
into(RemoteViews, int, int, Notification, String, Callback) - Method in class com.squareup.picasso.RequestCreator
Asynchronously fulfills the request into the specified RemoteViews object with the given viewId.
into(RemoteViews, int, int[]) - Method in class com.squareup.picasso.RequestCreator
Asynchronously fulfills the request into the specified RemoteViews object with the given viewId.
into(RemoteViews, int, int[], Callback) - Method in class com.squareup.picasso.RequestCreator
Asynchronously fulfills the request into the specified RemoteViews object with the given viewId.
into(ImageView) - Method in class com.squareup.picasso.RequestCreator
Asynchronously fulfills the request into the specified ImageView.
into(ImageView, Callback) - Method in class com.squareup.picasso.RequestCreator
Asynchronously fulfills the request into the specified ImageView and invokes the target Callback if it's not null.
invalidate(Uri) - Method in class com.squareup.picasso.Picasso
Invalidate all memory cached images for the specified uri.
invalidate(String) - Method in class com.squareup.picasso.Picasso
Invalidate all memory cached images for the specified path.
invalidate(File) - Method in class com.squareup.picasso.Picasso
Invalidate all memory cached images for the specified file.
isLoggingEnabled() - Method in class com.squareup.picasso.Picasso
true if debug logging is enabled.
isOfflineOnly(int) - Static method in enum com.squareup.picasso.NetworkPolicy


key() - Method in interface com.squareup.picasso.Transformation
Returns a unique key for the transformation, used for caching purposes.


listener(Picasso.Listener) - Method in class com.squareup.picasso.Picasso.Builder
Specify a listener for interesting events.
load(okhttp3.Request) - Method in interface com.squareup.picasso.Downloader
Download the specified image url from the internet.
load(Request) - Method in class com.squareup.picasso.OkHttp3Downloader
load(Uri) - Method in class com.squareup.picasso.Picasso
Start an image request using the specified URI.
load(String) - Method in class com.squareup.picasso.Picasso
Start an image request using the specified path.
load(File) - Method in class com.squareup.picasso.Picasso
Start an image request using the specified image file.
load(int) - Method in class com.squareup.picasso.Picasso
Start an image request using the specified drawable resource ID.
load(Request, int) - Method in class com.squareup.picasso.RequestHandler
Loads an image for the given Request.
loggingEnabled(boolean) - Method in class com.squareup.picasso.Picasso.Builder
Toggle whether debug logging is enabled.
LruCache - Class in com.squareup.picasso
A memory cache which uses a least-recently used eviction policy.
LruCache(Context) - Constructor for class com.squareup.picasso.LruCache
Create a cache using an appropriate portion of the available RAM as the maximum size.
LruCache(int) - Constructor for class com.squareup.picasso.LruCache
Create a cache with a given maximum size in bytes.


maxSize() - Method in interface com.squareup.picasso.Cache
Returns the maximum size in bytes that the cache can hold.
maxSize() - Method in class com.squareup.picasso.LruCache
maxSize - Variable in class com.squareup.picasso.StatsSnapshot
memoryCache(Cache) - Method in class com.squareup.picasso.Picasso.Builder
Specify the memory cache used for the most recent images.
MemoryPolicy - Enum in com.squareup.picasso
Designates the policy to use when dealing with memory cache.
memoryPolicy(MemoryPolicy, MemoryPolicy...) - Method in class com.squareup.picasso.RequestCreator
Specifies the MemoryPolicy to use for this request.
missCount() - Method in class com.squareup.picasso.LruCache
Returns the number of times LruCache.get(java.lang.String) returned null.


NetworkPolicy - Enum in com.squareup.picasso
Designates the policy to use for network requests.
networkPolicy(NetworkPolicy, NetworkPolicy...) - Method in class com.squareup.picasso.RequestCreator
Specifies the NetworkPolicy to use for this request.
noFade() - Method in class com.squareup.picasso.RequestCreator
Disable brief fade in of images loaded from the disk cache or network.
NONE - Static variable in interface com.squareup.picasso.Cache
A cache which does not store any values.
noPlaceholder() - Method in class com.squareup.picasso.RequestCreator
Explicitly opt-out to having a placeholder set when calling into.


OkHttp3Downloader - Class in com.squareup.picasso
A Downloader which uses OkHttp to download images.
OkHttp3Downloader(Context) - Constructor for class com.squareup.picasso.OkHttp3Downloader
Create new downloader that uses OkHttp.
OkHttp3Downloader(File) - Constructor for class com.squareup.picasso.OkHttp3Downloader
Create new downloader that uses OkHttp.
OkHttp3Downloader(Context, long) - Constructor for class com.squareup.picasso.OkHttp3Downloader
Create new downloader that uses OkHttp.
OkHttp3Downloader(File, long) - Constructor for class com.squareup.picasso.OkHttp3Downloader
Create new downloader that uses OkHttp.
OkHttp3Downloader(OkHttpClient) - Constructor for class com.squareup.picasso.OkHttp3Downloader
Create a new downloader that uses the specified OkHttp instance.
OkHttp3Downloader(Call.Factory) - Constructor for class com.squareup.picasso.OkHttp3Downloader
Create a new downloader that uses the specified Call.Factory instance.
onBitmapFailed(Exception, Drawable) - Method in interface com.squareup.picasso.Target
Callback indicating the image could not be successfully loaded.
onBitmapLoaded(Bitmap, Picasso.LoadedFrom) - Method in interface com.squareup.picasso.Target
Callback when an image has been successfully loaded.
onCreate() - Method in class com.squareup.picasso.PicassoProvider
onError(Exception) - Method in class com.squareup.picasso.Callback.EmptyCallback
onError(Exception) - Method in interface com.squareup.picasso.Callback
onImageLoadFailed(Picasso, Uri, Exception) - Method in interface com.squareup.picasso.Picasso.Listener
Invoked when an image has failed to load.
onlyScaleDown() - Method in class com.squareup.picasso.Request.Builder
Only resize an image if the original image size is bigger than the target size specified by Request.Builder.resize(int, int).
onlyScaleDown - Variable in class com.squareup.picasso.Request
onlyScaleDown() - Method in class com.squareup.picasso.RequestCreator
Only resize an image if the original image size is bigger than the target size specified by RequestCreator.resize(int, int).
onPrepareLoad(Drawable) - Method in interface com.squareup.picasso.Target
Callback invoked right before your request is submitted.
onSuccess() - Method in class com.squareup.picasso.Callback.EmptyCallback
onSuccess() - Method in interface com.squareup.picasso.Callback
originalBitmapCount - Variable in class com.squareup.picasso.StatsSnapshot


pauseTag(Object) - Method in class com.squareup.picasso.Picasso
Pause existing requests with the given tag.
Picasso - Class in com.squareup.picasso
Image downloading, transformation, and caching manager.
Picasso.Builder - Class in com.squareup.picasso
Fluent API for creating Picasso instances.
Picasso.Listener - Interface in com.squareup.picasso
Callbacks for Picasso events.
Picasso.LoadedFrom - Enum in com.squareup.picasso
Describes where the image was loaded from.
Picasso.Priority - Enum in com.squareup.picasso
The priority of a request.
Picasso.RequestTransformer - Interface in com.squareup.picasso
A transformer that is called immediately before every request is submitted.
PicassoProvider - Class in com.squareup.picasso
PicassoProvider() - Constructor for class com.squareup.picasso.PicassoProvider
placeholder(int) - Method in class com.squareup.picasso.RequestCreator
A placeholder drawable to be used while the image is being loaded.
placeholder(Drawable) - Method in class com.squareup.picasso.RequestCreator
A placeholder drawable to be used while the image is being loaded.
priority(Picasso.Priority) - Method in class com.squareup.picasso.Request.Builder
Execute request using the specified priority.
priority - Variable in class com.squareup.picasso.Request
The priority of this request.
priority(Picasso.Priority) - Method in class com.squareup.picasso.RequestCreator
Set the priority of this request.
purgeable() - Method in class com.squareup.picasso.Request.Builder
purgeable - Variable in class com.squareup.picasso.Request
True if image should be decoded with inPurgeable and inInputShareable.
purgeable() - Method in class com.squareup.picasso.RequestCreator
Set inPurgeable and inInputShareable when decoding.
putCount() - Method in class com.squareup.picasso.LruCache
Returns the number of times LruCache.set(String, Bitmap) was called.


query(Uri, String[], String, String[], String) - Method in class com.squareup.picasso.PicassoProvider


Request - Class in com.squareup.picasso
Immutable data about an image and the transformations that will be applied to it.
Request.Builder - Class in com.squareup.picasso
Builder for creating Request instances.
RequestCreator - Class in com.squareup.picasso
Fluent API for building an image download request.
RequestHandler - Class in com.squareup.picasso
RequestHandler allows you to extend Picasso to load images in ways that are not supported by default in the library.
RequestHandler() - Constructor for class com.squareup.picasso.RequestHandler
RequestHandler.Result - Class in com.squareup.picasso
requestTransformer(Picasso.RequestTransformer) - Method in class com.squareup.picasso.Picasso.Builder
Specify a transformer for all incoming requests.
resize(int, int) - Method in class com.squareup.picasso.Request.Builder
Resize the image to the specified size in pixels.
resize(int, int) - Method in class com.squareup.picasso.RequestCreator
Resize the image to the specified size in pixels.
resizeDimen(int, int) - Method in class com.squareup.picasso.RequestCreator
Resize the image to the specified dimension size.
resourceId - Variable in class com.squareup.picasso.Request
The image resource ID.
Result(Bitmap, Picasso.LoadedFrom) - Constructor for class com.squareup.picasso.RequestHandler.Result
Result(Source, Picasso.LoadedFrom) - Constructor for class com.squareup.picasso.RequestHandler.Result
resumeTag(Object) - Method in class com.squareup.picasso.Picasso
Resume paused requests with the given tag.
rotate(float) - Method in class com.squareup.picasso.Request.Builder
Rotate the image by the specified degrees.
rotate(float, float, float) - Method in class com.squareup.picasso.Request.Builder
Rotate the image by the specified degrees around a pivot point.
rotate(float) - Method in class com.squareup.picasso.RequestCreator
Rotate the image by the specified degrees.
rotate(float, float, float) - Method in class com.squareup.picasso.RequestCreator
Rotate the image by the specified degrees around a pivot point.
rotationDegrees - Variable in class com.squareup.picasso.Request
Amount to rotate the image in degrees.
rotationPivotX - Variable in class com.squareup.picasso.Request
Rotation pivot on the X axis.
rotationPivotY - Variable in class com.squareup.picasso.Request
Rotation pivot on the Y axis.


set(String, Bitmap) - Method in interface com.squareup.picasso.Cache
Store an image in the cache for the specified key.
set(String, Bitmap) - Method in class com.squareup.picasso.LruCache
setIndicatorsEnabled(boolean) - Method in class com.squareup.picasso.Picasso
Toggle whether to display debug indicators on images.
setLoggingEnabled(boolean) - Method in class com.squareup.picasso.Picasso
Toggle whether debug logging is enabled.
setResourceId(int) - Method in class com.squareup.picasso.Request.Builder
Set the target image resource ID.
setSingletonInstance(Picasso) - Static method in class com.squareup.picasso.Picasso
Set the global instance returned from Picasso.get().
setUri(Uri) - Method in class com.squareup.picasso.Request.Builder
Set the target image Uri.
shouldReadFromDiskCache(int) - Static method in enum com.squareup.picasso.NetworkPolicy
shouldWriteToDiskCache(int) - Static method in enum com.squareup.picasso.NetworkPolicy
shutdown() - Method in interface com.squareup.picasso.Downloader
Allows to perform a clean up for this Downloader including closing the disk cache and other resources.
shutdown() - Method in class com.squareup.picasso.OkHttp3Downloader
shutdown() - Method in class com.squareup.picasso.Picasso
Stops this instance from accepting further requests.
size() - Method in interface com.squareup.picasso.Cache
Returns the current size of the cache in bytes.
size() - Method in class com.squareup.picasso.LruCache
size - Variable in class com.squareup.picasso.StatsSnapshot
stableKey(String) - Method in class com.squareup.picasso.Request.Builder
Set the stable key to be used instead of the URI or resource ID when caching.
stableKey - Variable in class com.squareup.picasso.Request
Optional stable key for this request to be used instead of the URI or resource ID when caching.
stableKey(String) - Method in class com.squareup.picasso.RequestCreator
Sets the stable key for this request to be used instead of the URI or resource ID when caching.
StatsSnapshot - Class in com.squareup.picasso
Represents all stats for a Picasso instance at a single point in time.
StatsSnapshot(int, int, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, int, int, int, long) - Constructor for class com.squareup.picasso.StatsSnapshot


tag(Object) - Method in class com.squareup.picasso.RequestCreator
Assign a tag to this request.
Target - Interface in com.squareup.picasso
Represents an arbitrary listener for image loading.
targetHeight - Variable in class com.squareup.picasso.Request
Target image height for resizing.
targetWidth - Variable in class com.squareup.picasso.Request
Target image width for resizing.
timeStamp - Variable in class com.squareup.picasso.StatsSnapshot
toString() - Method in class com.squareup.picasso.Request
toString() - Method in class com.squareup.picasso.StatsSnapshot
totalDownloadSize - Variable in class com.squareup.picasso.StatsSnapshot
totalOriginalBitmapSize - Variable in class com.squareup.picasso.StatsSnapshot
totalTransformedBitmapSize - Variable in class com.squareup.picasso.StatsSnapshot
transform(Transformation) - Method in class com.squareup.picasso.Request.Builder
Add a custom transformation to be applied to the image.
transform(List<? extends Transformation>) - Method in class com.squareup.picasso.Request.Builder
Add a list of custom transformations to be applied to the image.
transform(Transformation) - Method in class com.squareup.picasso.RequestCreator
Add a custom transformation to be applied to the image.
transform(List<? extends Transformation>) - Method in class com.squareup.picasso.RequestCreator
Add a list of custom transformations to be applied to the image.
transform(Bitmap) - Method in interface com.squareup.picasso.Transformation
Transform the source bitmap into a new bitmap.
Transformation - Interface in com.squareup.picasso
Image transformation.
transformations - Variable in class com.squareup.picasso.Request
List of custom transformations to be applied after the built-in transformations.
transformedBitmapCount - Variable in class com.squareup.picasso.StatsSnapshot
transformRequest(Request) - Method in interface com.squareup.picasso.Picasso.RequestTransformer
Transform a request before it is submitted to be processed.


update(Uri, ContentValues, String, String[]) - Method in class com.squareup.picasso.PicassoProvider
uri - Variable in class com.squareup.picasso.Request
The image URI.


valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.squareup.picasso.MemoryPolicy
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.squareup.picasso.NetworkPolicy
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.squareup.picasso.Picasso.LoadedFrom
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.squareup.picasso.Picasso.Priority
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum com.squareup.picasso.MemoryPolicy
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.squareup.picasso.NetworkPolicy
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.squareup.picasso.Picasso.LoadedFrom
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.squareup.picasso.Picasso.Priority
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
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