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[jvm]\ class DeobfuscateHprofCommand : CliktCommand


DeobfuscateHprofCommand [jvm]


Name Summary
aliases [jvm]
open fun aliases(): Map<String, List<String>>
analyze [jvm]
fun CliktCommand.analyze(heapDumpFile: File, proguardMappingFile: File?)
dump [jvm]
fun CliktCommand.dump(heapDumpFile: File, dbParentFolder: File, proguardMappingFile: File?)
dumpHeap [jvm]
fun CliktCommand.dumpHeap(processNameParam: String, maybeDeviceId: String?): File
echo [jvm]
fun CliktCommand.echo(message: Any?, trailingNewline: Boolean = true, err: Boolean = false, lineSeparator: String = context.console.lineSeparator)
Copy of CliktCommand.echo to make it publicly visible and therefore accessible from CliktCommand extension functions
echoNewline [jvm]
fun CliktCommand.echoNewline()
getFormattedHelp [jvm]
open fun getFormattedHelp(): String
getFormattedUsage [jvm]
open fun getFormattedUsage(): String
issueMessage [jvm]
fun issueMessage(message: String)
main [jvm]
fun main(argv: Array<String>)
fun main(argv: List<String>)
parse [jvm]
fun parse(argv: Array<String>, parentContext: Context?)
fun parse(argv: List<String>, parentContext: Context?)
registerArgument [jvm]
fun registerArgument(argument: Argument)
registeredSubcommandNames [jvm]
fun registeredSubcommandNames(): List<String>
registerOption [jvm]
open override fun registerOption(option: GroupableOption)
fun registerOption(option: Option)
registerOptionGroup [jvm]
fun registerOptionGroup(group: ParameterGroup)
retrieveHeapDumpFile [jvm]
fun CliktCommand.retrieveHeapDumpFile(params: SharkCliCommand.CommandParams): File
run [jvm]
open override fun run()
toString [jvm]
open override fun toString(): String


Name Summary
commandHelp [jvm]
val commandHelp: String
commandHelpEpilog [jvm]
val commandHelpEpilog: String
commandName [jvm]
val commandName: String
context [jvm]
val context: Context
helpTags [jvm]
val helpTags: Map<String, String>
invokeWithoutSubcommand [jvm]
val invokeWithoutSubcommand: Boolean
messages [jvm]
val messages: List<String>
printHelpOnEmptyArgs [jvm]
val printHelpOnEmptyArgs: Boolean