Valid Values, Starts New Activity

Test passed in 4 seconds on T-Mobile myTouch 3G

Timestamp Level Tag Message
02-12 12:28:15.021 info TestRunner started: testValidValues_StartsNewActivity(com.example.spoon.ordering.tests.LoginActivityTest)
02-12 12:28:15.161 warn IInputConnectionWrapper showStatusIcon on inactive InputConnection
02-12 12:28:15.791 warn KeyCharacterMap No keyboard for id -1
02-12 12:28:15.791 warn KeyCharacterMap Using default keymap: /system/usr/keychars/qwerty.kcm.bin
02-12 12:28:16.061 debug dalvikvm GC_EXTERNAL_ALLOC freed 1402 objects / 76896 bytes in 193ms
02-12 12:28:16.711 debug dalvikvm GC_EXTERNAL_ALLOC freed 1221 objects / 71816 bytes in 132ms
02-12 12:28:16.951 info global Default buffer size used in BufferedOutputStream constructor. It would be better to be explicit if an 8k buffer is required.
02-12 12:28:17.711 debug dalvikvm GC_EXTERNAL_ALLOC freed 487 objects / 39000 bytes in 149ms
02-12 12:28:17.781 info global Default buffer size used in BufferedOutputStream constructor. It would be better to be explicit if an 8k buffer is required.
02-12 12:28:18.491 info dalvikvm Jit: resizing JitTable from 1024 to 2048
02-12 12:28:19.251 debug dalvikvm GC_EXTERNAL_ALLOC freed 1404 objects / 104640 bytes in 128ms
02-12 12:28:19.291 info global Default buffer size used in BufferedOutputStream constructor. It would be better to be explicit if an 8k buffer is required.
02-12 12:28:19.821 debug dalvikvm GC_EXPLICIT freed 565 objects / 39792 bytes in 112ms
02-12 12:28:19.931 debug dalvikvm GC_EXPLICIT freed 28 objects / 712 bytes in 98ms
02-12 12:28:19.931 info TestRunner finished: testValidValues_StartsNewActivity(com.example.spoon.ordering.tests.LoginActivityTest)