Test passed in 5 seconds on T-Mobile myTouch 3G
Timestamp | Level | Tag | Message |
02-12 12:27:57.311 | info | TestRunner | started: testBlankPassword_ShowsError(com.example.spoon.ordering.tests.LoginActivityTest) |
02-12 12:27:58.041 | info | dalvikvm | Could not find method com.actionbarsherlock.internal.nineoldandroids.widget.NineFrameLayout.onHoverEvent, referenced from method com.actionbarsherlock.internal.widget.ActionBarContainer.onHoverEvent |
02-12 12:27:58.041 | warn | dalvikvm | VFY: unable to resolve virtual method 4285: Lcom/actionbarsherlock/internal/nineoldandroids/widget/NineFrameLayout;.onHoverEvent (Landroid/view/MotionEvent;)Z |
02-12 12:27:58.041 | debug | dalvikvm | VFY: replacing opcode 0x6f at 0x0000 |
02-12 12:27:58.051 | debug | dalvikvm | VFY: dead code 0x0003-0004 in Lcom/actionbarsherlock/internal/widget/ActionBarContainer;.onHoverEvent (Landroid/view/MotionEvent;)Z |
02-12 12:27:58.071 | info | dalvikvm | Could not find method android.widget.FrameLayout.getAlpha, referenced from method com.actionbarsherlock.internal.nineoldandroids.widget.NineFrameLayout.getAlpha |
02-12 12:27:58.071 | warn | dalvikvm | VFY: unable to resolve virtual method 3019: Landroid/widget/FrameLayout;.getAlpha ()F |
02-12 12:27:58.071 | debug | dalvikvm | VFY: replacing opcode 0x6f at 0x000b |
02-12 12:27:58.071 | debug | dalvikvm | VFY: dead code 0x000e-000f in Lcom/actionbarsherlock/internal/nineoldandroids/widget/NineFrameLayout;.getAlpha ()F |
02-12 12:27:58.071 | info | dalvikvm | Could not find method android.widget.FrameLayout.getTranslationY, referenced from method com.actionbarsherlock.internal.nineoldandroids.widget.NineFrameLayout.getTranslationY |
02-12 12:27:58.071 | warn | dalvikvm | VFY: unable to resolve virtual method 3020: Landroid/widget/FrameLayout;.getTranslationY ()F |
02-12 12:27:58.071 | debug | dalvikvm | VFY: replacing opcode 0x6f at 0x000b |
02-12 12:27:58.071 | debug | dalvikvm | VFY: dead code 0x000e-000f in Lcom/actionbarsherlock/internal/nineoldandroids/widget/NineFrameLayout;.getTranslationY ()F |
02-12 12:27:58.071 | info | dalvikvm | Could not find method android.widget.FrameLayout.setAlpha, referenced from method com.actionbarsherlock.internal.nineoldandroids.widget.NineFrameLayout.setAlpha |
02-12 12:27:58.071 | warn | dalvikvm | VFY: unable to resolve virtual method 3023: Landroid/widget/FrameLayout;.setAlpha (F)V |
02-12 12:27:58.071 | debug | dalvikvm | VFY: replacing opcode 0x6f at 0x000a |
02-12 12:27:58.071 | debug | dalvikvm | VFY: dead code 0x000d-000d in Lcom/actionbarsherlock/internal/nineoldandroids/widget/NineFrameLayout;.setAlpha (F)V |
02-12 12:27:58.081 | info | dalvikvm | Could not find method android.widget.FrameLayout.setTranslationY, referenced from method com.actionbarsherlock.internal.nineoldandroids.widget.NineFrameLayout.setTranslationY |
02-12 12:27:58.081 | warn | dalvikvm | VFY: unable to resolve virtual method 3031: Landroid/widget/FrameLayout;.setTranslationY (F)V |
02-12 12:27:58.081 | debug | dalvikvm | VFY: replacing opcode 0x6f at 0x000a |
02-12 12:27:58.081 | debug | dalvikvm | VFY: dead code 0x000d-000d in Lcom/actionbarsherlock/internal/nineoldandroids/widget/NineFrameLayout;.setTranslationY (F)V |
02-12 12:27:58.111 | info | dalvikvm | Could not find method android.content.pm.PackageManager.getActivityLogo, referenced from method com.actionbarsherlock.internal.widget.ActionBarView.<init> |
02-12 12:27:58.111 | warn | dalvikvm | VFY: unable to resolve virtual method 289: Landroid/content/pm/PackageManager;.getActivityLogo (Landroid/content/ComponentName;)Landroid/graphics/drawable/Drawable; |
02-12 12:27:58.121 | debug | dalvikvm | VFY: replacing opcode 0x6e at 0x01d3 |
02-12 12:27:58.121 | info | dalvikvm | Could not find method android.content.pm.ApplicationInfo.loadLogo, referenced from method com.actionbarsherlock.internal.widget.ActionBarView.<init> |
02-12 12:27:58.121 | warn | dalvikvm | VFY: unable to resolve virtual method 285: Landroid/content/pm/ApplicationInfo;.loadLogo (Landroid/content/pm/PackageManager;)Landroid/graphics/drawable/Drawable; |
02-12 12:27:58.121 | debug | dalvikvm | VFY: replacing opcode 0x6e at 0x01e1 |
02-12 12:27:58.121 | debug | dalvikvm | VFY: dead code 0x01d6-01da in Lcom/actionbarsherlock/internal/widget/ActionBarView;.<init> (Landroid/content/Context;Landroid/util/AttributeSet;)V |
02-12 12:27:58.121 | debug | dalvikvm | VFY: dead code 0x01e4-01ea in Lcom/actionbarsherlock/internal/widget/ActionBarView;.<init> (Landroid/content/Context;Landroid/util/AttributeSet;)V |
02-12 12:27:58.191 | info | dalvikvm | Could not find method android.view.ViewGroup.getAlpha, referenced from method com.actionbarsherlock.internal.nineoldandroids.view.NineViewGroup.getAlpha |
02-12 12:27:58.201 | warn | dalvikvm | VFY: unable to resolve virtual method 2782: Landroid/view/ViewGroup;.getAlpha ()F |
02-12 12:27:58.201 | debug | dalvikvm | VFY: replacing opcode 0x6f at 0x000b |
02-12 12:27:58.201 | debug | dalvikvm | VFY: dead code 0x000e-000f in Lcom/actionbarsherlock/internal/nineoldandroids/view/NineViewGroup;.getAlpha ()F |
02-12 12:27:58.201 | info | dalvikvm | Could not find method android.view.ViewGroup.getTranslationX, referenced from method com.actionbarsherlock.internal.nineoldandroids.view.NineViewGroup.getTranslationX |
02-12 12:27:58.201 | warn | dalvikvm | VFY: unable to resolve virtual method 2788: Landroid/view/ViewGroup;.getTranslationX ()F |
02-12 12:27:58.201 | debug | dalvikvm | VFY: replacing opcode 0x6f at 0x000b |
02-12 12:27:58.201 | debug | dalvikvm | VFY: dead code 0x000e-000f in Lcom/actionbarsherlock/internal/nineoldandroids/view/NineViewGroup;.getTranslationX ()F |
02-12 12:27:58.201 | info | dalvikvm | Could not find method android.view.ViewGroup.getTranslationY, referenced from method com.actionbarsherlock.internal.nineoldandroids.view.NineViewGroup.getTranslationY |
02-12 12:27:58.201 | warn | dalvikvm | VFY: unable to resolve virtual method 2789: Landroid/view/ViewGroup;.getTranslationY ()F |
02-12 12:27:58.201 | debug | dalvikvm | VFY: replacing opcode 0x6f at 0x000b |
02-12 12:27:58.201 | debug | dalvikvm | VFY: dead code 0x000e-000f in Lcom/actionbarsherlock/internal/nineoldandroids/view/NineViewGroup;.getTranslationY ()F |
02-12 12:27:58.201 | info | dalvikvm | Could not find method android.view.ViewGroup.setAlpha, referenced from method com.actionbarsherlock.internal.nineoldandroids.view.NineViewGroup.setAlpha |
02-12 12:27:58.211 | warn | dalvikvm | VFY: unable to resolve virtual method 2804: Landroid/view/ViewGroup;.setAlpha (F)V |
02-12 12:27:58.211 | debug | dalvikvm | VFY: replacing opcode 0x6f at 0x000a |
02-12 12:27:58.211 | debug | dalvikvm | VFY: dead code 0x000d-000d in Lcom/actionbarsherlock/internal/nineoldandroids/view/NineViewGroup;.setAlpha (F)V |
02-12 12:27:58.211 | info | dalvikvm | Could not find method android.view.ViewGroup.setTranslationX, referenced from method com.actionbarsherlock.internal.nineoldandroids.view.NineViewGroup.setTranslationX |
02-12 12:27:58.211 | warn | dalvikvm | VFY: unable to resolve virtual method 2808: Landroid/view/ViewGroup;.setTranslationX (F)V |
02-12 12:27:58.211 | debug | dalvikvm | VFY: replacing opcode 0x6f at 0x000a |
02-12 12:27:58.211 | debug | dalvikvm | VFY: dead code 0x000d-000d in Lcom/actionbarsherlock/internal/nineoldandroids/view/NineViewGroup;.setTranslationX (F)V |
02-12 12:27:58.221 | info | dalvikvm | Could not find method android.view.ViewGroup.setTranslationY, referenced from method com.actionbarsherlock.internal.nineoldandroids.view.NineViewGroup.setTranslationY |
02-12 12:27:58.221 | warn | dalvikvm | VFY: unable to resolve virtual method 2809: Landroid/view/ViewGroup;.setTranslationY (F)V |
02-12 12:27:58.221 | debug | dalvikvm | VFY: replacing opcode 0x6f at 0x000a |
02-12 12:27:58.221 | debug | dalvikvm | VFY: dead code 0x000d-000d in Lcom/actionbarsherlock/internal/nineoldandroids/view/NineViewGroup;.setTranslationY (F)V |
02-12 12:27:58.261 | info | dalvikvm | Could not find method com.actionbarsherlock.internal.widget.ActionBarView$HomeView.onHoverEvent, referenced from method com.actionbarsherlock.internal.widget.ActionBarView$HomeView.dispatchHoverEvent |
02-12 12:27:58.261 | warn | dalvikvm | VFY: unable to resolve virtual method 5148: Lcom/actionbarsherlock/internal/widget/ActionBarView$HomeView;.onHoverEvent (Landroid/view/MotionEvent;)Z |
02-12 12:27:58.261 | debug | dalvikvm | VFY: replacing opcode 0x6e at 0x0000 |
02-12 12:27:58.261 | debug | dalvikvm | VFY: dead code 0x0003-0004 in Lcom/actionbarsherlock/internal/widget/ActionBarView$HomeView;.dispatchHoverEvent (Landroid/view/MotionEvent;)Z |
02-12 12:27:58.261 | info | dalvikvm | Could not find method android.widget.FrameLayout.onPopulateAccessibilityEvent, referenced from method com.actionbarsherlock.internal.widget.ActionBarView$HomeView.onPopulateAccessibilityEvent |
02-12 12:27:58.261 | warn | dalvikvm | VFY: unable to resolve virtual method 3022: Landroid/widget/FrameLayout;.onPopulateAccessibilityEvent (Landroid/view/accessibility/AccessibilityEvent;)V |
02-12 12:27:58.271 | debug | dalvikvm | VFY: replacing opcode 0x6f at 0x0006 |
02-12 12:27:58.341 | info | dalvikvm | Jit: resizing JitTable from 512 to 1024 |
02-12 12:27:58.621 | info | dalvikvm | Could not find method android.view.View.jumpDrawablesToCurrentState, referenced from method com.actionbarsherlock.internal.view.menu.BaseMenuPresenter.updateMenuView |
02-12 12:27:58.621 | warn | dalvikvm | VFY: unable to resolve virtual method 2712: Landroid/view/View;.jumpDrawablesToCurrentState ()V |
02-12 12:27:58.621 | debug | dalvikvm | VFY: replacing opcode 0x6e at 0x0047 |
02-12 12:27:58.621 | info | dalvikvm | Could not find method android.widget.LinearLayout.getAlpha, referenced from method com.actionbarsherlock.internal.nineoldandroids.widget.NineLinearLayout.getAlpha |
02-12 12:27:58.621 | warn | dalvikvm | VFY: unable to resolve virtual method 3072: Landroid/widget/LinearLayout;.getAlpha ()F |
02-12 12:27:58.631 | debug | dalvikvm | VFY: replacing opcode 0x6f at 0x000b |
02-12 12:27:58.631 | debug | dalvikvm | VFY: dead code 0x000e-000f in Lcom/actionbarsherlock/internal/nineoldandroids/widget/NineLinearLayout;.getAlpha ()F |
02-12 12:27:58.631 | info | dalvikvm | Could not find method android.widget.LinearLayout.getTranslationX, referenced from method com.actionbarsherlock.internal.nineoldandroids.widget.NineLinearLayout.getTranslationX |
02-12 12:27:58.631 | warn | dalvikvm | VFY: unable to resolve virtual method 3075: Landroid/widget/LinearLayout;.getTranslationX ()F |
02-12 12:27:58.631 | debug | dalvikvm | VFY: replacing opcode 0x6f at 0x000b |
02-12 12:27:58.631 | debug | dalvikvm | VFY: dead code 0x000e-000f in Lcom/actionbarsherlock/internal/nineoldandroids/widget/NineLinearLayout;.getTranslationX ()F |
02-12 12:27:58.641 | info | dalvikvm | Could not find method android.widget.LinearLayout.setAlpha, referenced from method com.actionbarsherlock.internal.nineoldandroids.widget.NineLinearLayout.setAlpha |
02-12 12:27:58.641 | warn | dalvikvm | VFY: unable to resolve virtual method 3087: Landroid/widget/LinearLayout;.setAlpha (F)V |
02-12 12:27:58.641 | debug | dalvikvm | VFY: replacing opcode 0x6f at 0x000a |
02-12 12:27:58.641 | debug | dalvikvm | VFY: dead code 0x000d-000d in Lcom/actionbarsherlock/internal/nineoldandroids/widget/NineLinearLayout;.setAlpha (F)V |
02-12 12:27:58.651 | info | dalvikvm | Could not find method android.widget.LinearLayout.setTranslationX, referenced from method com.actionbarsherlock.internal.nineoldandroids.widget.NineLinearLayout.setTranslationX |
02-12 12:27:58.651 | warn | dalvikvm | VFY: unable to resolve virtual method 3093: Landroid/widget/LinearLayout;.setTranslationX (F)V |
02-12 12:27:58.651 | debug | dalvikvm | VFY: replacing opcode 0x6f at 0x000a |
02-12 12:27:58.651 | debug | dalvikvm | VFY: dead code 0x000d-000d in Lcom/actionbarsherlock/internal/nineoldandroids/widget/NineLinearLayout;.setTranslationX (F)V |
02-12 12:27:58.661 | warn | KeyCharacterMap | No keyboard for id -1 |
02-12 12:27:58.661 | warn | KeyCharacterMap | Using default keymap: /system/usr/keychars/qwerty.kcm.bin |
02-12 12:27:58.931 | debug | dalvikvm | GC_EXTERNAL_ALLOC freed 8384 objects / 468896 bytes in 193ms |
02-12 12:27:58.951 | assert | PowerManager | android.util.Log$TerribleFailure: WakeLock finalized while still held: SpoonInstrumentationTestRunner |
02-12 12:27:58.951 | assert | PowerManager | at android.util.Log.wtf(Log.java:260) |
02-12 12:27:58.951 | assert | PowerManager | at android.util.Log.wtf(Log.java:239) |
02-12 12:27:58.951 | assert | PowerManager | at android.os.PowerManager$WakeLock.finalize(PowerManager.java:329) |
02-12 12:27:58.951 | assert | PowerManager | at dalvik.system.NativeStart.run(Native Method) |
02-12 12:27:59.211 | debug | dalvikvm | GC_EXTERNAL_ALLOC freed 492 objects / 28064 bytes in 196ms |
02-12 12:28:00.401 | debug | dalvikvm | GC_EXTERNAL_ALLOC freed 423 objects / 22384 bytes in 124ms |
02-12 12:28:00.451 | info | global | Default buffer size used in BufferedOutputStream constructor. It would be better to be explicit if an 8k buffer is required. |
02-12 12:28:00.891 | info | dalvikvm | Could not find method android.widget.TextView.getHighlightColor, referenced from method org.fest.assertions.api.android.widget.AbstractTextViewAssert.hasHighlightColor |
02-12 12:28:00.891 | warn | dalvikvm | VFY: unable to resolve virtual method 1084: Landroid/widget/TextView;.getHighlightColor ()I |
02-12 12:28:00.891 | debug | dalvikvm | VFY: replacing opcode 0x6e at 0x0007 |
02-12 12:28:00.901 | debug | dalvikvm | VFY: dead code 0x000a-002f in Lorg/fest/assertions/api/android/widget/AbstractTextViewAssert;.hasHighlightColor (I)Lorg/fest/assertions/api/android/widget/AbstractTextViewAssert; |
02-12 12:28:00.911 | info | dalvikvm | Could not find method android.widget.TextView.getLineSpacingExtra, referenced from method org.fest.assertions.api.android.widget.AbstractTextViewAssert.hasLineSpacingExtra |
02-12 12:28:00.911 | warn | dalvikvm | VFY: unable to resolve virtual method 1093: Landroid/widget/TextView;.getLineSpacingExtra ()F |
02-12 12:28:00.911 | debug | dalvikvm | VFY: replacing opcode 0x6e at 0x0007 |
02-12 12:28:00.911 | debug | dalvikvm | VFY: dead code 0x000a-002f in Lorg/fest/assertions/api/android/widget/AbstractTextViewAssert;.hasLineSpacingExtra (F)Lorg/fest/assertions/api/android/widget/AbstractTextViewAssert; |
02-12 12:28:00.911 | info | dalvikvm | Could not find method android.widget.TextView.getLineSpacingMultiplier, referenced from method org.fest.assertions.api.android.widget.AbstractTextViewAssert.hasLineSpacingMultiplier |
02-12 12:28:00.911 | warn | dalvikvm | VFY: unable to resolve virtual method 1094: Landroid/widget/TextView;.getLineSpacingMultiplier ()F |
02-12 12:28:00.911 | debug | dalvikvm | VFY: replacing opcode 0x6e at 0x0007 |
02-12 12:28:00.921 | debug | dalvikvm | VFY: dead code 0x000a-002f in Lorg/fest/assertions/api/android/widget/AbstractTextViewAssert;.hasLineSpacingMultiplier (F)Lorg/fest/assertions/api/android/widget/AbstractTextViewAssert; |
02-12 12:28:00.921 | info | dalvikvm | Could not find method android.widget.TextView.getMarqueeRepeatLimit, referenced from method org.fest.assertions.api.android.widget.AbstractTextViewAssert.hasMarqueeRepeatLimit |
02-12 12:28:00.921 | warn | dalvikvm | VFY: unable to resolve virtual method 1096: Landroid/widget/TextView;.getMarqueeRepeatLimit ()I |
02-12 12:28:00.921 | debug | dalvikvm | VFY: replacing opcode 0x6e at 0x0007 |
02-12 12:28:00.921 | debug | dalvikvm | VFY: dead code 0x000a-002f in Lorg/fest/assertions/api/android/widget/AbstractTextViewAssert;.hasMarqueeRepeatLimit (I)Lorg/fest/assertions/api/android/widget/AbstractTextViewAssert; |
02-12 12:28:00.921 | info | dalvikvm | Could not find method android.widget.TextView.getMaxEms, referenced from method org.fest.assertions.api.android.widget.AbstractTextViewAssert.hasMaxEms |
02-12 12:28:00.921 | warn | dalvikvm | VFY: unable to resolve virtual method 1097: Landroid/widget/TextView;.getMaxEms ()I |
02-12 12:28:00.921 | debug | dalvikvm | VFY: replacing opcode 0x6e at 0x0007 |
02-12 12:28:00.921 | debug | dalvikvm | VFY: dead code 0x000a-002f in Lorg/fest/assertions/api/android/widget/AbstractTextViewAssert;.hasMaxEms (I)Lorg/fest/assertions/api/android/widget/AbstractTextViewAssert; |
02-12 12:28:00.921 | info | dalvikvm | Could not find method android.widget.TextView.getMaxHeight, referenced from method org.fest.assertions.api.android.widget.AbstractTextViewAssert.hasMaxHeight |
02-12 12:28:00.921 | warn | dalvikvm | VFY: unable to resolve virtual method 1098: Landroid/widget/TextView;.getMaxHeight ()I |
02-12 12:28:00.921 | debug | dalvikvm | VFY: replacing opcode 0x6e at 0x0007 |
02-12 12:28:00.921 | debug | dalvikvm | VFY: dead code 0x000a-002f in Lorg/fest/assertions/api/android/widget/AbstractTextViewAssert;.hasMaxHeight (I)Lorg/fest/assertions/api/android/widget/AbstractTextViewAssert; |
02-12 12:28:00.921 | info | dalvikvm | Could not find method android.widget.TextView.getMaxLines, referenced from method org.fest.assertions.api.android.widget.AbstractTextViewAssert.hasMaxLines |
02-12 12:28:00.921 | warn | dalvikvm | VFY: unable to resolve virtual method 1099: Landroid/widget/TextView;.getMaxLines ()I |
02-12 12:28:00.921 | debug | dalvikvm | VFY: replacing opcode 0x6e at 0x0007 |
02-12 12:28:00.921 | debug | dalvikvm | VFY: dead code 0x000a-002f in Lorg/fest/assertions/api/android/widget/AbstractTextViewAssert;.hasMaxLines (I)Lorg/fest/assertions/api/android/widget/AbstractTextViewAssert; |
02-12 12:28:00.931 | info | dalvikvm | Could not find method android.widget.TextView.getMaxWidth, referenced from method org.fest.assertions.api.android.widget.AbstractTextViewAssert.hasMaxWidth |
02-12 12:28:00.931 | warn | dalvikvm | VFY: unable to resolve virtual method 1100: Landroid/widget/TextView;.getMaxWidth ()I |
02-12 12:28:00.931 | debug | dalvikvm | VFY: replacing opcode 0x6e at 0x0007 |
02-12 12:28:00.931 | debug | dalvikvm | VFY: dead code 0x000a-002f in Lorg/fest/assertions/api/android/widget/AbstractTextViewAssert;.hasMaxWidth (I)Lorg/fest/assertions/api/android/widget/AbstractTextViewAssert; |
02-12 12:28:00.931 | info | dalvikvm | Could not find method android.widget.TextView.getMinEms, referenced from method org.fest.assertions.api.android.widget.AbstractTextViewAssert.hasMinEms |
02-12 12:28:00.931 | warn | dalvikvm | VFY: unable to resolve virtual method 1101: Landroid/widget/TextView;.getMinEms ()I |
02-12 12:28:00.931 | debug | dalvikvm | VFY: replacing opcode 0x6e at 0x0007 |
02-12 12:28:00.931 | debug | dalvikvm | VFY: dead code 0x000a-002f in Lorg/fest/assertions/api/android/widget/AbstractTextViewAssert;.hasMinEms (I)Lorg/fest/assertions/api/android/widget/AbstractTextViewAssert; |
02-12 12:28:00.941 | info | dalvikvm | Could not find method android.widget.TextView.getMinHeight, referenced from method org.fest.assertions.api.android.widget.AbstractTextViewAssert.hasMinHeight |
02-12 12:28:00.941 | warn | dalvikvm | VFY: unable to resolve virtual method 1102: Landroid/widget/TextView;.getMinHeight ()I |
02-12 12:28:00.941 | debug | dalvikvm | VFY: replacing opcode 0x6e at 0x0007 |
02-12 12:28:00.941 | debug | dalvikvm | VFY: dead code 0x000a-002f in Lorg/fest/assertions/api/android/widget/AbstractTextViewAssert;.hasMinHeight (I)Lorg/fest/assertions/api/android/widget/AbstractTextViewAssert; |
02-12 12:28:00.941 | info | dalvikvm | Could not find method android.widget.TextView.getMinLines, referenced from method org.fest.assertions.api.android.widget.AbstractTextViewAssert.hasMinLines |
02-12 12:28:00.941 | warn | dalvikvm | VFY: unable to resolve virtual method 1103: Landroid/widget/TextView;.getMinLines ()I |
02-12 12:28:00.941 | debug | dalvikvm | VFY: replacing opcode 0x6e at 0x0007 |
02-12 12:28:00.941 | debug | dalvikvm | VFY: dead code 0x000a-002f in Lorg/fest/assertions/api/android/widget/AbstractTextViewAssert;.hasMinLines (I)Lorg/fest/assertions/api/android/widget/AbstractTextViewAssert; |
02-12 12:28:00.941 | info | dalvikvm | Could not find method android.widget.TextView.getMinWidth, referenced from method org.fest.assertions.api.android.widget.AbstractTextViewAssert.hasMinWidth |
02-12 12:28:00.941 | warn | dalvikvm | VFY: unable to resolve virtual method 1104: Landroid/widget/TextView;.getMinWidth ()I |
02-12 12:28:00.941 | debug | dalvikvm | VFY: replacing opcode 0x6e at 0x0007 |
02-12 12:28:00.941 | debug | dalvikvm | VFY: dead code 0x000a-002f in Lorg/fest/assertions/api/android/widget/AbstractTextViewAssert;.hasMinWidth (I)Lorg/fest/assertions/api/android/widget/AbstractTextViewAssert; |
02-12 12:28:00.941 | info | dalvikvm | Could not find method android.widget.TextView.isTextSelectable, referenced from method org.fest.assertions.api.android.widget.AbstractTextViewAssert.hasSelectableText |
02-12 12:28:00.941 | warn | dalvikvm | VFY: unable to resolve virtual method 1122: Landroid/widget/TextView;.isTextSelectable ()Z |
02-12 12:28:00.941 | debug | dalvikvm | VFY: replacing opcode 0x6e at 0x0007 |
02-12 12:28:00.941 | debug | dalvikvm | VFY: dead code 0x000a-0021 in Lorg/fest/assertions/api/android/widget/AbstractTextViewAssert;.hasSelectableText ()Lorg/fest/assertions/api/android/widget/AbstractTextViewAssert; |
02-12 12:28:00.941 | info | dalvikvm | Could not find method android.widget.TextView.getShadowColor, referenced from method org.fest.assertions.api.android.widget.AbstractTextViewAssert.hasShadowColor |
02-12 12:28:00.941 | warn | dalvikvm | VFY: unable to resolve virtual method 1108: Landroid/widget/TextView;.getShadowColor ()I |
02-12 12:28:00.941 | debug | dalvikvm | VFY: replacing opcode 0x6e at 0x0007 |
02-12 12:28:00.941 | debug | dalvikvm | VFY: dead code 0x000a-002f in Lorg/fest/assertions/api/android/widget/AbstractTextViewAssert;.hasShadowColor (I)Lorg/fest/assertions/api/android/widget/AbstractTextViewAssert; |
02-12 12:28:00.951 | info | dalvikvm | Could not find method android.widget.TextView.getShadowDx, referenced from method org.fest.assertions.api.android.widget.AbstractTextViewAssert.hasShadowDx |
02-12 12:28:00.951 | warn | dalvikvm | VFY: unable to resolve virtual method 1109: Landroid/widget/TextView;.getShadowDx ()F |
02-12 12:28:00.951 | debug | dalvikvm | VFY: replacing opcode 0x6e at 0x0007 |
02-12 12:28:00.951 | debug | dalvikvm | VFY: dead code 0x000a-002f in Lorg/fest/assertions/api/android/widget/AbstractTextViewAssert;.hasShadowDx (F)Lorg/fest/assertions/api/android/widget/AbstractTextViewAssert; |
02-12 12:28:00.951 | info | dalvikvm | Could not find method android.widget.TextView.getShadowDy, referenced from method org.fest.assertions.api.android.widget.AbstractTextViewAssert.hasShadowDy |
02-12 12:28:00.951 | warn | dalvikvm | VFY: unable to resolve virtual method 1110: Landroid/widget/TextView;.getShadowDy ()F |
02-12 12:28:00.951 | debug | dalvikvm | VFY: replacing opcode 0x6e at 0x0007 |
02-12 12:28:00.951 | debug | dalvikvm | VFY: dead code 0x000a-002f in Lorg/fest/assertions/api/android/widget/AbstractTextViewAssert;.hasShadowDy (F)Lorg/fest/assertions/api/android/widget/AbstractTextViewAssert; |
02-12 12:28:00.961 | info | dalvikvm | Could not find method android.widget.TextView.getShadowRadius, referenced from method org.fest.assertions.api.android.widget.AbstractTextViewAssert.hasShadowRadius |
02-12 12:28:00.961 | warn | dalvikvm | VFY: unable to resolve virtual method 1111: Landroid/widget/TextView;.getShadowRadius ()F |
02-12 12:28:00.961 | debug | dalvikvm | VFY: replacing opcode 0x6e at 0x0007 |
02-12 12:28:00.961 | debug | dalvikvm | VFY: dead code 0x000a-002f in Lorg/fest/assertions/api/android/widget/AbstractTextViewAssert;.hasShadowRadius (F)Lorg/fest/assertions/api/android/widget/AbstractTextViewAssert; |
02-12 12:28:00.971 | info | dalvikvm | Could not find method android.widget.TextView.isTextSelectable, referenced from method org.fest.assertions.api.android.widget.AbstractTextViewAssert.hasUnselectableText |
02-12 12:28:00.971 | warn | dalvikvm | VFY: unable to resolve virtual method 1122: Landroid/widget/TextView;.isTextSelectable ()Z |
02-12 12:28:00.971 | debug | dalvikvm | VFY: replacing opcode 0x6e at 0x0007 |
02-12 12:28:00.971 | debug | dalvikvm | VFY: dead code 0x000a-0021 in Lorg/fest/assertions/api/android/widget/AbstractTextViewAssert;.hasUnselectableText ()Lorg/fest/assertions/api/android/widget/AbstractTextViewAssert; |
02-12 12:28:00.971 | info | dalvikvm | Could not find method android.widget.TextView.isCursorVisible, referenced from method org.fest.assertions.api.android.widget.AbstractTextViewAssert.isCursorNotVisible |
02-12 12:28:00.971 | warn | dalvikvm | VFY: unable to resolve virtual method 1120: Landroid/widget/TextView;.isCursorVisible ()Z |
02-12 12:28:00.971 | debug | dalvikvm | VFY: replacing opcode 0x6e at 0x0007 |
02-12 12:28:00.971 | debug | dalvikvm | VFY: dead code 0x000a-0021 in Lorg/fest/assertions/api/android/widget/AbstractTextViewAssert;.isCursorNotVisible ()Lorg/fest/assertions/api/android/widget/AbstractTextViewAssert; |
02-12 12:28:00.971 | info | dalvikvm | Could not find method android.widget.TextView.isCursorVisible, referenced from method org.fest.assertions.api.android.widget.AbstractTextViewAssert.isCursorVisible |
02-12 12:28:00.971 | warn | dalvikvm | VFY: unable to resolve virtual method 1120: Landroid/widget/TextView;.isCursorVisible ()Z |
02-12 12:28:00.971 | debug | dalvikvm | VFY: replacing opcode 0x6e at 0x0007 |
02-12 12:28:00.971 | debug | dalvikvm | VFY: dead code 0x000a-0021 in Lorg/fest/assertions/api/android/widget/AbstractTextViewAssert;.isCursorVisible ()Lorg/fest/assertions/api/android/widget/AbstractTextViewAssert; |
02-12 12:28:00.971 | info | dalvikvm | Could not find method android.widget.TextView.getIncludeFontPadding, referenced from method org.fest.assertions.api.android.widget.AbstractTextViewAssert.isIncludingFontPadding |
02-12 12:28:00.971 | warn | dalvikvm | VFY: unable to resolve virtual method 1089: Landroid/widget/TextView;.getIncludeFontPadding ()Z |
02-12 12:28:00.971 | debug | dalvikvm | VFY: replacing opcode 0x6e at 0x0007 |
02-12 12:28:00.971 | debug | dalvikvm | VFY: dead code 0x000a-0021 in Lorg/fest/assertions/api/android/widget/AbstractTextViewAssert;.isIncludingFontPadding ()Lorg/fest/assertions/api/android/widget/AbstractTextViewAssert; |
02-12 12:28:00.971 | info | dalvikvm | Could not find method android.widget.TextView.getIncludeFontPadding, referenced from method org.fest.assertions.api.android.widget.AbstractTextViewAssert.isNotIncludingFontPadding |
02-12 12:28:00.971 | warn | dalvikvm | VFY: unable to resolve virtual method 1089: Landroid/widget/TextView;.getIncludeFontPadding ()Z |
02-12 12:28:00.971 | debug | dalvikvm | VFY: replacing opcode 0x6e at 0x0007 |
02-12 12:28:00.971 | debug | dalvikvm | VFY: dead code 0x000a-0021 in Lorg/fest/assertions/api/android/widget/AbstractTextViewAssert;.isNotIncludingFontPadding ()Lorg/fest/assertions/api/android/widget/AbstractTextViewAssert; |
02-12 12:28:00.971 | info | dalvikvm | Could not find method android.view.View.getAlpha, referenced from method org.fest.assertions.api.android.view.AbstractViewAssert.hasAlpha |
02-12 12:28:00.971 | warn | dalvikvm | VFY: unable to resolve virtual method 611: Landroid/view/View;.getAlpha ()F |
02-12 12:28:00.971 | debug | dalvikvm | VFY: replacing opcode 0x6e at 0x0007 |
02-12 12:28:00.981 | debug | dalvikvm | VFY: dead code 0x000a-002f in Lorg/fest/assertions/api/android/view/AbstractViewAssert;.hasAlpha (F)Lorg/fest/assertions/api/android/view/AbstractViewAssert; |
02-12 12:28:00.981 | info | dalvikvm | Could not find method android.view.View.getLayerType, referenced from method org.fest.assertions.api.android.view.AbstractViewAssert.hasLayerType |
02-12 12:28:00.981 | warn | dalvikvm | VFY: unable to resolve virtual method 626: Landroid/view/View;.getLayerType ()I |
02-12 12:28:00.981 | debug | dalvikvm | VFY: replacing opcode 0x6e at 0x0007 |
02-12 12:28:00.981 | debug | dalvikvm | VFY: dead code 0x000a-002f in Lorg/fest/assertions/api/android/view/AbstractViewAssert;.hasLayerType (I)Lorg/fest/assertions/api/android/view/AbstractViewAssert; |
02-12 12:28:00.991 | info | dalvikvm | Could not find method android.view.View.getMeasuredHeightAndState, referenced from method org.fest.assertions.api.android.view.AbstractViewAssert.hasMeasuredHeightAndState |
02-12 12:28:00.991 | warn | dalvikvm | VFY: unable to resolve virtual method 630: Landroid/view/View;.getMeasuredHeightAndState ()I |
02-12 12:28:00.991 | debug | dalvikvm | VFY: replacing opcode 0x6e at 0x0007 |
02-12 12:28:00.991 | debug | dalvikvm | VFY: dead code 0x000a-002f in Lorg/fest/assertions/api/android/view/AbstractViewAssert;.hasMeasuredHeightAndState (I)Lorg/fest/assertions/api/android/view/AbstractViewAssert; |
02-12 12:28:00.991 | info | dalvikvm | Could not find method android.view.View.getMeasuredState, referenced from method org.fest.assertions.api.android.view.AbstractViewAssert.hasMeasuredState |
02-12 12:28:00.991 | warn | dalvikvm | VFY: unable to resolve virtual method 631: Landroid/view/View;.getMeasuredState ()I |
02-12 12:28:00.991 | debug | dalvikvm | VFY: replacing opcode 0x6e at 0x0007 |
02-12 12:28:00.991 | debug | dalvikvm | VFY: dead code 0x000a-002f in Lorg/fest/assertions/api/android/view/AbstractViewAssert;.hasMeasuredState (I)Lorg/fest/assertions/api/android/view/AbstractViewAssert; |
02-12 12:28:01.001 | info | dalvikvm | Could not find method android.view.View.getMeasuredWidthAndState, referenced from method org.fest.assertions.api.android.view.AbstractViewAssert.hasMeasuredWidthAndState |
02-12 12:28:01.001 | warn | dalvikvm | VFY: unable to resolve virtual method 633: Landroid/view/View;.getMeasuredWidthAndState ()I |
02-12 12:28:01.001 | debug | dalvikvm | VFY: replacing opcode 0x6e at 0x0007 |
02-12 12:28:01.001 | debug | dalvikvm | VFY: dead code 0x000a-002f in Lorg/fest/assertions/api/android/view/AbstractViewAssert;.hasMeasuredWidthAndState (I)Lorg/fest/assertions/api/android/view/AbstractViewAssert; |
02-12 12:28:01.001 | info | dalvikvm | Could not find method android.view.View.getMinimumHeight, referenced from method org.fest.assertions.api.android.view.AbstractViewAssert.hasMinimumHeight |
02-12 12:28:01.001 | warn | dalvikvm | VFY: unable to resolve virtual method 634: Landroid/view/View;.getMinimumHeight ()I |
02-12 12:28:01.001 | debug | dalvikvm | VFY: replacing opcode 0x6e at 0x0007 |
02-12 12:28:01.001 | debug | dalvikvm | VFY: dead code 0x000a-002f in Lorg/fest/assertions/api/android/view/AbstractViewAssert;.hasMinimumHeight (I)Lorg/fest/assertions/api/android/view/AbstractViewAssert; |
02-12 12:28:01.001 | info | dalvikvm | Could not find method android.view.View.getMinimumWidth, referenced from method org.fest.assertions.api.android.view.AbstractViewAssert.hasMinimumWidth |
02-12 12:28:01.001 | warn | dalvikvm | VFY: unable to resolve virtual method 635: Landroid/view/View;.getMinimumWidth ()I |
02-12 12:28:01.001 | debug | dalvikvm | VFY: replacing opcode 0x6e at 0x0007 |
02-12 12:28:01.001 | debug | dalvikvm | VFY: dead code 0x000a-002f in Lorg/fest/assertions/api/android/view/AbstractViewAssert;.hasMinimumWidth (I)Lorg/fest/assertions/api/android/view/AbstractViewAssert; |
02-12 12:28:01.001 | info | dalvikvm | Could not find method android.view.View.getNextFocusForwardId, referenced from method org.fest.assertions.api.android.view.AbstractViewAssert.hasNextFocusForwardId |
02-12 12:28:01.001 | warn | dalvikvm | VFY: unable to resolve virtual method 637: Landroid/view/View;.getNextFocusForwardId ()I |
02-12 12:28:01.001 | debug | dalvikvm | VFY: replacing opcode 0x6e at 0x0007 |
02-12 12:28:01.001 | debug | dalvikvm | VFY: dead code 0x000a-002f in Lorg/fest/assertions/api/android/view/AbstractViewAssert;.hasNextFocusForwardId (I)Lorg/fest/assertions/api/android/view/AbstractViewAssert; |
02-12 12:28:01.011 | info | dalvikvm | Could not find method android.view.View.getOverScrollMode, referenced from method org.fest.assertions.api.android.view.AbstractViewAssert.hasOverScrollMode |
02-12 12:28:01.011 | warn | dalvikvm | VFY: unable to resolve virtual method 641: Landroid/view/View;.getOverScrollMode ()I |
02-12 12:28:01.011 | debug | dalvikvm | VFY: replacing opcode 0x6e at 0x0007 |
02-12 12:28:01.011 | debug | dalvikvm | VFY: dead code 0x000a-002f in Lorg/fest/assertions/api/android/view/AbstractViewAssert;.hasOverScrollMode (I)Lorg/fest/assertions/api/android/view/AbstractViewAssert; |
02-12 12:28:01.011 | info | dalvikvm | Could not find method android.view.View.getParentForAccessibility, referenced from method org.fest.assertions.api.android.view.AbstractViewAssert.hasParentForAccessibility |
02-12 12:28:01.011 | warn | dalvikvm | VFY: unable to resolve virtual method 647: Landroid/view/View;.getParentForAccessibility ()Landroid/view/ViewParent; |
02-12 12:28:01.011 | debug | dalvikvm | VFY: replacing opcode 0x6e at 0x0007 |
02-12 12:28:01.011 | debug | dalvikvm | VFY: dead code 0x000a-0027 in Lorg/fest/assertions/api/android/view/AbstractViewAssert;.hasParentForAccessibility (Landroid/view/ViewParent;)Lorg/fest/assertions/api/android/view/AbstractViewAssert; |
02-12 12:28:01.011 | info | dalvikvm | Could not find method android.view.View.getPivotX, referenced from method org.fest.assertions.api.android.view.AbstractViewAssert.hasPivotX |
02-12 12:28:01.011 | warn | dalvikvm | VFY: unable to resolve virtual method 648: Landroid/view/View;.getPivotX ()F |
02-12 12:28:01.011 | debug | dalvikvm | VFY: replacing opcode 0x6e at 0x0007 |
02-12 12:28:01.011 | debug | dalvikvm | VFY: dead code 0x000a-002f in Lorg/fest/assertions/api/android/view/AbstractViewAssert;.hasPivotX (F)Lorg/fest/assertions/api/android/view/AbstractViewAssert; |
02-12 12:28:01.011 | info | dalvikvm | Could not find method android.view.View.getPivotY, referenced from method org.fest.assertions.api.android.view.AbstractViewAssert.hasPivotY |
02-12 12:28:01.021 | warn | dalvikvm | VFY: unable to resolve virtual method 649: Landroid/view/View;.getPivotY ()F |
02-12 12:28:01.021 | debug | dalvikvm | VFY: replacing opcode 0x6e at 0x0007 |
02-12 12:28:01.021 | debug | dalvikvm | VFY: dead code 0x000a-002f in Lorg/fest/assertions/api/android/view/AbstractViewAssert;.hasPivotY (F)Lorg/fest/assertions/api/android/view/AbstractViewAssert; |
02-12 12:28:01.031 | info | dalvikvm | Could not find method android.view.View.getRotation, referenced from method org.fest.assertions.api.android.view.AbstractViewAssert.hasRotation |
02-12 12:28:01.031 | warn | dalvikvm | VFY: unable to resolve virtual method 652: Landroid/view/View;.getRotation ()F |
02-12 12:28:01.031 | debug | dalvikvm | VFY: replacing opcode 0x6e at 0x0007 |
02-12 12:28:01.031 | debug | dalvikvm | VFY: dead code 0x000a-0033 in Lorg/fest/assertions/api/android/view/AbstractViewAssert;.hasRotation (F)Lorg/fest/assertions/api/android/view/AbstractViewAssert; |
02-12 12:28:01.031 | info | dalvikvm | Could not find method android.view.View.getRotationX, referenced from method org.fest.assertions.api.android.view.AbstractViewAssert.hasRotationX |
02-12 12:28:01.031 | warn | dalvikvm | VFY: unable to resolve virtual method 653: Landroid/view/View;.getRotationX ()F |
02-12 12:28:01.031 | debug | dalvikvm | VFY: replacing opcode 0x6e at 0x0007 |
02-12 12:28:01.031 | debug | dalvikvm | VFY: dead code 0x000a-0033 in Lorg/fest/assertions/api/android/view/AbstractViewAssert;.hasRotationX (F)Lorg/fest/assertions/api/android/view/AbstractViewAssert; |
02-12 12:28:01.031 | info | dalvikvm | Could not find method android.view.View.getRotationY, referenced from method org.fest.assertions.api.android.view.AbstractViewAssert.hasRotationY |
02-12 12:28:01.031 | warn | dalvikvm | VFY: unable to resolve virtual method 654: Landroid/view/View;.getRotationY ()F |
02-12 12:28:01.031 | debug | dalvikvm | VFY: replacing opcode 0x6e at 0x0007 |
02-12 12:28:01.031 | debug | dalvikvm | VFY: dead code 0x000a-0033 in Lorg/fest/assertions/api/android/view/AbstractViewAssert;.hasRotationY (F)Lorg/fest/assertions/api/android/view/AbstractViewAssert; |
02-12 12:28:01.031 | info | dalvikvm | Could not find method android.view.View.isSaveFromParentEnabled, referenced from method org.fest.assertions.api.android.view.AbstractViewAssert.hasSaveFromParentDisabled |
02-12 12:28:01.031 | warn | dalvikvm | VFY: unable to resolve virtual method 702: Landroid/view/View;.isSaveFromParentEnabled ()Z |
02-12 12:28:01.031 | debug | dalvikvm | VFY: replacing opcode 0x6e at 0x0007 |
02-12 12:28:01.031 | debug | dalvikvm | VFY: dead code 0x000a-0021 in Lorg/fest/assertions/api/android/view/AbstractViewAssert;.hasSaveFromParentDisabled ()Lorg/fest/assertions/api/android/view/AbstractViewAssert; |
02-12 12:28:01.031 | info | dalvikvm | Could not find method android.view.View.isSaveFromParentEnabled, referenced from method org.fest.assertions.api.android.view.AbstractViewAssert.hasSaveFromParentEnabled |
02-12 12:28:01.031 | warn | dalvikvm | VFY: unable to resolve virtual method 702: Landroid/view/View;.isSaveFromParentEnabled ()Z |
02-12 12:28:01.031 | debug | dalvikvm | VFY: replacing opcode 0x6e at 0x0007 |
02-12 12:28:01.031 | debug | dalvikvm | VFY: dead code 0x000a-0021 in Lorg/fest/assertions/api/android/view/AbstractViewAssert;.hasSaveFromParentEnabled ()Lorg/fest/assertions/api/android/view/AbstractViewAssert; |
02-12 12:28:01.041 | info | dalvikvm | Could not find method android.view.View.getScaleX, referenced from method org.fest.assertions.api.android.view.AbstractViewAssert.hasScaleX |
02-12 12:28:01.041 | warn | dalvikvm | VFY: unable to resolve virtual method 655: Landroid/view/View;.getScaleX ()F |
02-12 12:28:01.041 | debug | dalvikvm | VFY: replacing opcode 0x6e at 0x0007 |
02-12 12:28:01.041 | debug | dalvikvm | VFY: dead code 0x000a-0033 in Lorg/fest/assertions/api/android/view/AbstractViewAssert;.hasScaleX (F)Lorg/fest/assertions/api/android/view/AbstractViewAssert; |
02-12 12:28:01.041 | info | dalvikvm | Could not find method android.view.View.getScaleY, referenced from method org.fest.assertions.api.android.view.AbstractViewAssert.hasScaleY |
02-12 12:28:01.041 | warn | dalvikvm | VFY: unable to resolve virtual method 656: Landroid/view/View;.getScaleY ()F |
02-12 12:28:01.041 | debug | dalvikvm | VFY: replacing opcode 0x6e at 0x0007 |
02-12 12:28:01.041 | debug | dalvikvm | VFY: dead code 0x000a-0033 in Lorg/fest/assertions/api/android/view/AbstractViewAssert;.hasScaleY (F)Lorg/fest/assertions/api/android/view/AbstractViewAssert; |
02-12 12:28:01.041 | info | dalvikvm | Could not find method android.view.View.getScrollBarDefaultDelayBeforeFade, referenced from method org.fest.assertions.api.android.view.AbstractViewAssert.hasScrollBarDefaultDelayBeforeFade |
02-12 12:28:01.041 | warn | dalvikvm | VFY: unable to resolve virtual method 657: Landroid/view/View;.getScrollBarDefaultDelayBeforeFade ()I |
02-12 12:28:01.041 | debug | dalvikvm | VFY: replacing opcode 0x6e at 0x0007 |
02-12 12:28:01.041 | debug | dalvikvm | VFY: dead code 0x000a-002f in Lorg/fest/assertions/api/android/view/AbstractViewAssert;.hasScrollBarDefaultDelayBeforeFade (I)Lorg/fest/assertions/api/android/view/AbstractViewAssert; |
02-12 12:28:01.041 | info | dalvikvm | Could not find method android.view.View.getScrollBarFadeDuration, referenced from method org.fest.assertions.api.android.view.AbstractViewAssert.hasScrollBarFadeDuration |
02-12 12:28:01.041 | warn | dalvikvm | VFY: unable to resolve virtual method 658: Landroid/view/View;.getScrollBarFadeDuration ()I |
02-12 12:28:01.041 | debug | dalvikvm | VFY: replacing opcode 0x6e at 0x0007 |
02-12 12:28:01.041 | debug | dalvikvm | VFY: dead code 0x000a-002f in Lorg/fest/assertions/api/android/view/AbstractViewAssert;.hasScrollBarFadeDuration (I)Lorg/fest/assertions/api/android/view/AbstractViewAssert; |
02-12 12:28:01.041 | info | dalvikvm | Could not find method android.view.View.getScrollBarSize, referenced from method org.fest.assertions.api.android.view.AbstractViewAssert.hasScrollBarSize |
02-12 12:28:01.041 | warn | dalvikvm | VFY: unable to resolve virtual method 659: Landroid/view/View;.getScrollBarSize ()I |
02-12 12:28:01.041 | debug | dalvikvm | VFY: replacing opcode 0x6e at 0x0007 |
02-12 12:28:01.041 | debug | dalvikvm | VFY: dead code 0x000a-002f in Lorg/fest/assertions/api/android/view/AbstractViewAssert;.hasScrollBarSize (I)Lorg/fest/assertions/api/android/view/AbstractViewAssert; |
02-12 12:28:01.041 | info | dalvikvm | Could not find method android.view.View.isSaveFromParentEnabled, referenced from method org.fest.assertions.api.android.view.AbstractViewAssert.hasSoundEffectsDisabled |
02-12 12:28:01.041 | warn | dalvikvm | VFY: unable to resolve virtual method 702: Landroid/view/View;.isSaveFromParentEnabled ()Z |
02-12 12:28:01.041 | debug | dalvikvm | VFY: replacing opcode 0x6e at 0x0007 |
02-12 12:28:01.041 | debug | dalvikvm | VFY: dead code 0x000a-0021 in Lorg/fest/assertions/api/android/view/AbstractViewAssert;.hasSoundEffectsDisabled ()Lorg/fest/assertions/api/android/view/AbstractViewAssert; |
02-12 12:28:01.051 | info | dalvikvm | Could not find method android.view.View.getSystemUiVisibility, referenced from method org.fest.assertions.api.android.view.AbstractViewAssert.hasSystemUiVisibility |
02-12 12:28:01.051 | warn | dalvikvm | VFY: unable to resolve virtual method 664: Landroid/view/View;.getSystemUiVisibility ()I |
02-12 12:28:01.051 | debug | dalvikvm | VFY: replacing opcode 0x6e at 0x0007 |
02-12 12:28:01.051 | debug | dalvikvm | VFY: dead code 0x000a-002f in Lorg/fest/assertions/api/android/view/AbstractViewAssert;.hasSystemUiVisibility (I)Lorg/fest/assertions/api/android/view/AbstractViewAssert; |
02-12 12:28:01.051 | info | dalvikvm | Could not find method android.view.View.getTranslationX, referenced from method org.fest.assertions.api.android.view.AbstractViewAssert.hasTranslationX |
02-12 12:28:01.051 | warn | dalvikvm | VFY: unable to resolve virtual method 668: Landroid/view/View;.getTranslationX ()F |
02-12 12:28:01.051 | debug | dalvikvm | VFY: replacing opcode 0x6e at 0x0007 |
02-12 12:28:01.051 | debug | dalvikvm | VFY: dead code 0x000a-002f in Lorg/fest/assertions/api/android/view/AbstractViewAssert;.hasTranslationX (F)Lorg/fest/assertions/api/android/view/AbstractViewAssert; |
02-12 12:28:01.051 | info | dalvikvm | Could not find method android.view.View.getTranslationY, referenced from method org.fest.assertions.api.android.view.AbstractViewAssert.hasTranslationY |
02-12 12:28:01.051 | warn | dalvikvm | VFY: unable to resolve virtual method 669: Landroid/view/View;.getTranslationY ()F |
02-12 12:28:01.051 | debug | dalvikvm | VFY: replacing opcode 0x6e at 0x0007 |
02-12 12:28:01.051 | debug | dalvikvm | VFY: dead code 0x000a-002f in Lorg/fest/assertions/api/android/view/AbstractViewAssert;.hasTranslationY (F)Lorg/fest/assertions/api/android/view/AbstractViewAssert; |
02-12 12:28:01.071 | info | dalvikvm | Could not find method android.view.View.getVerticalScrollbarPosition, referenced from method org.fest.assertions.api.android.view.AbstractViewAssert.hasVerticalScrollbarPosition |
02-12 12:28:01.071 | warn | dalvikvm | VFY: unable to resolve virtual method 671: Landroid/view/View;.getVerticalScrollbarPosition ()I |
02-12 12:28:01.071 | debug | dalvikvm | VFY: replacing opcode 0x6e at 0x0007 |
02-12 12:28:01.071 | debug | dalvikvm | VFY: dead code 0x000a-002f in Lorg/fest/assertions/api/android/view/AbstractViewAssert;.hasVerticalScrollbarPosition (I)Lorg/fest/assertions/api/android/view/AbstractViewAssert; |
02-12 12:28:01.071 | info | dalvikvm | Could not find method android.view.View.getX, referenced from method org.fest.assertions.api.android.view.AbstractViewAssert.hasX |
02-12 12:28:01.071 | warn | dalvikvm | VFY: unable to resolve virtual method 676: Landroid/view/View;.getX ()F |
02-12 12:28:01.071 | debug | dalvikvm | VFY: replacing opcode 0x6e at 0x0007 |
02-12 12:28:01.071 | debug | dalvikvm | VFY: dead code 0x000a-002f in Lorg/fest/assertions/api/android/view/AbstractViewAssert;.hasX (F)Lorg/fest/assertions/api/android/view/AbstractViewAssert; |
02-12 12:28:01.071 | info | dalvikvm | Could not find method android.view.View.getY, referenced from method org.fest.assertions.api.android.view.AbstractViewAssert.hasY |
02-12 12:28:01.071 | warn | dalvikvm | VFY: unable to resolve virtual method 677: Landroid/view/View;.getY ()F |
02-12 12:28:01.071 | debug | dalvikvm | VFY: replacing opcode 0x6e at 0x0007 |
02-12 12:28:01.071 | debug | dalvikvm | VFY: dead code 0x000a-002f in Lorg/fest/assertions/api/android/view/AbstractViewAssert;.hasY (F)Lorg/fest/assertions/api/android/view/AbstractViewAssert; |
02-12 12:28:01.071 | info | dalvikvm | Could not find method android.view.View.isActivated, referenced from method org.fest.assertions.api.android.view.AbstractViewAssert.isActivated |
02-12 12:28:01.071 | warn | dalvikvm | VFY: unable to resolve virtual method 681: Landroid/view/View;.isActivated ()Z |
02-12 12:28:01.071 | debug | dalvikvm | VFY: replacing opcode 0x6e at 0x0007 |
02-12 12:28:01.071 | debug | dalvikvm | VFY: dead code 0x000a-0021 in Lorg/fest/assertions/api/android/view/AbstractViewAssert;.isActivated ()Lorg/fest/assertions/api/android/view/AbstractViewAssert; |
02-12 12:28:01.071 | info | dalvikvm | Could not find method android.view.View.isDirty, referenced from method org.fest.assertions.api.android.view.AbstractViewAssert.isDirty |
02-12 12:28:01.071 | warn | dalvikvm | VFY: unable to resolve virtual method 683: Landroid/view/View;.isDirty ()Z |
02-12 12:28:01.071 | debug | dalvikvm | VFY: replacing opcode 0x6e at 0x0007 |
02-12 12:28:01.071 | debug | dalvikvm | VFY: dead code 0x000a-0021 in Lorg/fest/assertions/api/android/view/AbstractViewAssert;.isDirty ()Lorg/fest/assertions/api/android/view/AbstractViewAssert; |
02-12 12:28:01.081 | info | dalvikvm | Could not find method android.view.View.isHardwareAccelerated, referenced from method org.fest.assertions.api.android.view.AbstractViewAssert.isHardwareAccelerated |
02-12 12:28:01.081 | warn | dalvikvm | VFY: unable to resolve virtual method 691: Landroid/view/View;.isHardwareAccelerated ()Z |
02-12 12:28:01.081 | debug | dalvikvm | VFY: replacing opcode 0x6e at 0x0007 |
02-12 12:28:01.081 | debug | dalvikvm | VFY: dead code 0x000a-0021 in Lorg/fest/assertions/api/android/view/AbstractViewAssert;.isHardwareAccelerated ()Lorg/fest/assertions/api/android/view/AbstractViewAssert; |
02-12 12:28:01.091 | info | dalvikvm | Could not find method android.view.View.isHovered, referenced from method org.fest.assertions.api.android.view.AbstractViewAssert.isHovered |
02-12 12:28:01.091 | warn | dalvikvm | VFY: unable to resolve virtual method 694: Landroid/view/View;.isHovered ()Z |
02-12 12:28:01.091 | debug | dalvikvm | VFY: replacing opcode 0x6e at 0x0007 |
02-12 12:28:01.091 | debug | dalvikvm | VFY: dead code 0x000a-0021 in Lorg/fest/assertions/api/android/view/AbstractViewAssert;.isHovered ()Lorg/fest/assertions/api/android/view/AbstractViewAssert; |
02-12 12:28:01.091 | info | dalvikvm | Could not find method android.view.View.isActivated, referenced from method org.fest.assertions.api.android.view.AbstractViewAssert.isNotActivated |
02-12 12:28:01.091 | warn | dalvikvm | VFY: unable to resolve virtual method 681: Landroid/view/View;.isActivated ()Z |
02-12 12:28:01.091 | debug | dalvikvm | VFY: replacing opcode 0x6e at 0x0007 |
02-12 12:28:01.091 | debug | dalvikvm | VFY: dead code 0x000a-0021 in Lorg/fest/assertions/api/android/view/AbstractViewAssert;.isNotActivated ()Lorg/fest/assertions/api/android/view/AbstractViewAssert; |
02-12 12:28:01.091 | info | dalvikvm | Could not find method android.view.View.isDirty, referenced from method org.fest.assertions.api.android.view.AbstractViewAssert.isNotDirty |
02-12 12:28:01.091 | warn | dalvikvm | VFY: unable to resolve virtual method 683: Landroid/view/View;.isDirty ()Z |
02-12 12:28:01.091 | debug | dalvikvm | VFY: replacing opcode 0x6e at 0x0007 |
02-12 12:28:01.091 | debug | dalvikvm | VFY: dead code 0x000a-0021 in Lorg/fest/assertions/api/android/view/AbstractViewAssert;.isNotDirty ()Lorg/fest/assertions/api/android/view/AbstractViewAssert; |
02-12 12:28:01.091 | info | dalvikvm | Could not find method android.view.View.isHardwareAccelerated, referenced from method org.fest.assertions.api.android.view.AbstractViewAssert.isNotHardwareAccelerated |
02-12 12:28:01.091 | warn | dalvikvm | VFY: unable to resolve virtual method 691: Landroid/view/View;.isHardwareAccelerated ()Z |
02-12 12:28:01.091 | debug | dalvikvm | VFY: replacing opcode 0x6e at 0x0007 |
02-12 12:28:01.091 | debug | dalvikvm | VFY: dead code 0x000a-0021 in Lorg/fest/assertions/api/android/view/AbstractViewAssert;.isNotHardwareAccelerated ()Lorg/fest/assertions/api/android/view/AbstractViewAssert; |
02-12 12:28:01.091 | info | dalvikvm | Could not find method android.view.View.isHovered, referenced from method org.fest.assertions.api.android.view.AbstractViewAssert.isNotHovered |
02-12 12:28:01.091 | warn | dalvikvm | VFY: unable to resolve virtual method 694: Landroid/view/View;.isHovered ()Z |
02-12 12:28:01.091 | debug | dalvikvm | VFY: replacing opcode 0x6e at 0x0007 |
02-12 12:28:01.091 | debug | dalvikvm | VFY: dead code 0x000a-0021 in Lorg/fest/assertions/api/android/view/AbstractViewAssert;.isNotHovered ()Lorg/fest/assertions/api/android/view/AbstractViewAssert; |
02-12 12:28:01.111 | info | dalvikvm | Could not find method android.view.View.isScrollContainer, referenced from method org.fest.assertions.api.android.view.AbstractViewAssert.isNotScrollContainer |
02-12 12:28:01.111 | warn | dalvikvm | VFY: unable to resolve virtual method 703: Landroid/view/View;.isScrollContainer ()Z |
02-12 12:28:01.111 | debug | dalvikvm | VFY: replacing opcode 0x6e at 0x0007 |
02-12 12:28:01.111 | debug | dalvikvm | VFY: dead code 0x000a-0021 in Lorg/fest/assertions/api/android/view/AbstractViewAssert;.isNotScrollContainer ()Lorg/fest/assertions/api/android/view/AbstractViewAssert; |
02-12 12:28:01.111 | info | dalvikvm | Could not find method android.view.View.isScrollContainer, referenced from method org.fest.assertions.api.android.view.AbstractViewAssert.isScrollContainer |
02-12 12:28:01.111 | warn | dalvikvm | VFY: unable to resolve virtual method 703: Landroid/view/View;.isScrollContainer ()Z |
02-12 12:28:01.111 | debug | dalvikvm | VFY: replacing opcode 0x6e at 0x0007 |
02-12 12:28:01.111 | debug | dalvikvm | VFY: dead code 0x000a-0021 in Lorg/fest/assertions/api/android/view/AbstractViewAssert;.isScrollContainer ()Lorg/fest/assertions/api/android/view/AbstractViewAssert; |
02-12 12:28:01.141 | warn | dalvikvm | VFY: unable to find class referenced in signature (Ljava/beans/PropertyDescriptor;) |
02-12 12:28:01.141 | info | dalvikvm | Could not find method java.beans.PropertyDescriptor.getReadMethod, referenced from method org.fest.assertions.internal.JavaBeanDescriptor.invokeReadMethod |
02-12 12:28:01.141 | warn | dalvikvm | VFY: unable to resolve virtual method 1567: Ljava/beans/PropertyDescriptor;.getReadMethod ()Ljava/lang/reflect/Method; |
02-12 12:28:01.141 | debug | dalvikvm | VFY: replacing opcode 0x6e at 0x0000 |
02-12 12:28:01.141 | debug | dalvikvm | VFY: dead code 0x0003-000b in Lorg/fest/assertions/internal/JavaBeanDescriptor;.invokeReadMethod (Ljava/beans/PropertyDescriptor;Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object; |
02-12 12:28:01.431 | debug | dalvikvm | GC_EXTERNAL_ALLOC freed 551 objects / 47792 bytes in 147ms |
02-12 12:28:01.501 | info | global | Default buffer size used in BufferedOutputStream constructor. It would be better to be explicit if an 8k buffer is required. |
02-12 12:28:01.961 | error | LoginActivity | Password was blank. |
02-12 12:28:02.101 | info | global | Default buffer size used in BufferedOutputStream constructor. It would be better to be explicit if an 8k buffer is required. |
02-12 12:28:02.761 | debug | dalvikvm | GC_EXPLICIT freed 761 objects / 65456 bytes in 218ms |
02-12 12:28:02.911 | debug | dalvikvm | GC_EXPLICIT freed 123 objects / 5680 bytes in 140ms |
02-12 12:28:02.911 | info | TestRunner | finished: testBlankPassword_ShowsError(com.example.spoon.ordering.tests.LoginActivityTest) |