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adapt(Call<R>) - Method in interface retrofit2.CallAdapter
Returns an instance of T which delegates to call.
addCallAdapterFactory(CallAdapter.Factory) - Method in class retrofit2.Retrofit.Builder
Add a call adapter factory for supporting service method return types other than Call.
addConverterFactory(Converter.Factory) - Method in class retrofit2.Retrofit.Builder
Add converter factory for serialization and deserialization of objects.
arguments() - Method in class retrofit2.Invocation


baseUrl() - Method in class retrofit2.Retrofit
The API base URL.
baseUrl(URL) - Method in class retrofit2.Retrofit.Builder
Set the API base URL.
baseUrl(String) - Method in class retrofit2.Retrofit.Builder
Set the API base URL.
baseUrl(HttpUrl) - Method in class retrofit2.Retrofit.Builder
Set the API base URL.
Body - Annotation Type in retrofit2.http
Use this annotation on a service method param when you want to directly control the request body of a POST/PUT request (instead of sending in as request parameters or form-style request body).
body() - Method in class retrofit2.Response
The deserialized response body of a successful response.
build() - Method in class retrofit2.Retrofit.Builder
Create the Retrofit instance using the configured values.
Builder() - Constructor for class retrofit2.Retrofit.Builder


Call<T> - Interface in retrofit2
An invocation of a Retrofit method that sends a request to a webserver and returns a response.
CallAdapter<R,T> - Interface in retrofit2
Adapts a Call with response type R into the type of T.
callAdapter(Type, Annotation[]) - Method in class retrofit2.Retrofit
Returns the CallAdapter for returnType from the available factories.
CallAdapter.Factory - Class in retrofit2
Creates CallAdapter instances based on the return type of the service interface methods.
callAdapterFactories() - Method in class retrofit2.Retrofit.Builder
Returns a modifiable list of call adapter factories.
callAdapterFactories() - Method in class retrofit2.Retrofit
Returns a list of the factories tried when creating a Retrofit.callAdapter(Type, Annotation[]) call adapter}.
Callback<T> - Interface in retrofit2
Communicates responses from a server or offline requests.
callbackExecutor(Executor) - Method in class retrofit2.Retrofit.Builder
The executor on which Callback methods are invoked when returning Call from your service method.
callbackExecutor() - Method in class retrofit2.Retrofit
The executor used for Callback methods on a Call.
callFactory(Call.Factory) - Method in class retrofit2.Retrofit.Builder
Specify a custom call factory for creating Call instances.
callFactory() - Method in class retrofit2.Retrofit
The factory used to create OkHttp calls for sending a HTTP requests.
cancel() - Method in interface retrofit2.Call
Cancel this call.
client(OkHttpClient) - Method in class retrofit2.Retrofit.Builder
The HTTP client used for requests.
clone() - Method in interface retrofit2.Call
Create a new, identical call to this one which can be enqueued or executed even if this call has already been.
code() - Method in exception retrofit2.HttpException
HTTP status code.
code() - Method in class retrofit2.Response
HTTP status code.
convert(F) - Method in interface retrofit2.Converter
Converter<F,T> - Interface in retrofit2
Convert objects to and from their representation in HTTP.
Converter.Factory - Class in retrofit2
Creates Converter instances based on a type and target usage.
converterFactories() - Method in class retrofit2.Retrofit.Builder
Returns a modifiable list of converter factories.
converterFactories() - Method in class retrofit2.Retrofit
Returns an unmodifiable list of the factories tried when creating a request body converter, a response body converter, or a string converter.
create() - Static method in class retrofit2.OptionalConverterFactory
create(Class<T>) - Method in class retrofit2.Retrofit
Create an implementation of the API endpoints defined by the service interface.


DELETE - Annotation Type in retrofit2.http
Make a DELETE request.


enqueue(Callback<T>) - Method in interface retrofit2.Call
Asynchronously send the request and notify callback of its response or if an error occurred talking to the server, creating the request, or processing the response.
error(int, ResponseBody) - Static method in class retrofit2.Response
Create a synthetic error response with an HTTP status code of code and body as the error body.
error(ResponseBody, Response) - Static method in class retrofit2.Response
Create an error response from rawResponse with body as the error body.
errorBody() - Method in class retrofit2.Response
The raw response body of an unsuccessful response.
execute() - Method in interface retrofit2.Call
Synchronously send the request and return its response.


Factory() - Constructor for class retrofit2.CallAdapter.Factory
Factory() - Constructor for class retrofit2.Converter.Factory
Field - Annotation Type in retrofit2.http
Named pair for a form-encoded request.
FieldMap - Annotation Type in retrofit2.http
Named key/value pairs for a form-encoded request.
FormUrlEncoded - Annotation Type in retrofit2.http
Denotes that the request body will use form URL encoding.


get(Type, Annotation[], Retrofit) - Method in class retrofit2.CallAdapter.Factory
Returns a call adapter for interface methods that return returnType, or null if it cannot be handled by this factory.
GET - Annotation Type in retrofit2.http
Make a GET request.
getParameterUpperBound(int, ParameterizedType) - Static method in class retrofit2.CallAdapter.Factory
Extract the upper bound of the generic parameter at index from type.
getParameterUpperBound(int, ParameterizedType) - Static method in class retrofit2.Converter.Factory
Extract the upper bound of the generic parameter at index from type.
getRawType(Type) - Static method in class retrofit2.CallAdapter.Factory
Extract the raw class type from type.
getRawType(Type) - Static method in class retrofit2.Converter.Factory
Extract the raw class type from type.


HEAD - Annotation Type in retrofit2.http
Make a HEAD request.
Header - Annotation Type in retrofit2.http
Replaces the header with the value of its target.
HeaderMap - Annotation Type in retrofit2.http
Adds headers specified in the Map or Headers.
Headers - Annotation Type in retrofit2.http
Adds headers literally supplied in the value.
headers() - Method in class retrofit2.Response
HTTP headers.
HTTP - Annotation Type in retrofit2.http
Use a custom HTTP verb for a request.
HttpException - Exception in retrofit2
Exception for an unexpected, non-2xx HTTP response.
HttpException(Response<?>) - Constructor for exception retrofit2.HttpException


instance() - Method in class retrofit2.Invocation
The instance of Invocation.service.
Invocation - Class in retrofit2
A single invocation of a Retrofit service interface method.
isCanceled() - Method in interface retrofit2.Call
True if Call.cancel() was called.
isExecuted() - Method in interface retrofit2.Call
Returns true if this call has been either executed or enqueued.
isSuccessful() - Method in class retrofit2.Response
Returns true if Response.code() is in the range [200..300).


message() - Method in exception retrofit2.HttpException
HTTP status message.
message() - Method in class retrofit2.Response
HTTP status message or null if unknown.
method() - Method in class retrofit2.Invocation
Multipart - Annotation Type in retrofit2.http
Denotes that the request body is multi-part.


newBuilder() - Method in class retrofit2.Retrofit
nextCallAdapter(CallAdapter.Factory, Type, Annotation[]) - Method in class retrofit2.Retrofit
Returns the CallAdapter for returnType from the available factories except skipPast.
nextRequestBodyConverter(Converter.Factory, Type, Annotation[], Annotation[]) - Method in class retrofit2.Retrofit
Returns a Converter for type to RequestBody from the available factories except skipPast.
nextResponseBodyConverter(Converter.Factory, Type, Annotation[]) - Method in class retrofit2.Retrofit
Returns a Converter for ResponseBody to type from the available factories except skipPast.


of(Class<T>, T, Method, List<?>) - Static method in class retrofit2.Invocation
of(Method, List<?>) - Static method in class retrofit2.Invocation
onFailure(Call<T>, Throwable) - Method in interface retrofit2.Callback
Invoked when a network exception occurred talking to the server or when an unexpected exception occurred creating the request or processing the response.
onResponse(Call<T>, Response<T>) - Method in interface retrofit2.Callback
Invoked for a received HTTP response.
OptionalConverterFactory - Class in retrofit2
A Converter.Factory which supports Java's Optional to wrap null values from another converter.
OPTIONS - Annotation Type in retrofit2.http
Make an OPTIONS request.


Part - Annotation Type in retrofit2.http
Denotes a single part of a multi-part request.
PartMap - Annotation Type in retrofit2.http
Denotes name and value parts of a multi-part request.
PATCH - Annotation Type in retrofit2.http
Make a PATCH request.
Path - Annotation Type in retrofit2.http
Named replacement in a URL path segment.
POST - Annotation Type in retrofit2.http
Make a POST request.
PUT - Annotation Type in retrofit2.http
Make a PUT request.


Query - Annotation Type in retrofit2.http
Query parameter appended to the URL.
QueryMap - Annotation Type in retrofit2.http
Query parameter keys and values appended to the URL.
QueryName - Annotation Type in retrofit2.http
Query parameter appended to the URL that has no value.


raw() - Method in class retrofit2.Response
The raw response from the HTTP client.
request() - Method in interface retrofit2.Call
The original HTTP request.
requestBodyConverter(Type, Annotation[], Annotation[], Retrofit) - Method in class retrofit2.Converter.Factory
Returns a Converter for converting type to an HTTP request body, or null if type cannot be handled by this factory.
requestBodyConverter(Type, Annotation[], Annotation[]) - Method in class retrofit2.Retrofit
Returns a Converter for type to RequestBody from the available factories.
response() - Method in exception retrofit2.HttpException
The full HTTP response.
Response<T> - Class in retrofit2
An HTTP response.
responseBodyConverter(Type, Annotation[], Retrofit) - Method in class retrofit2.Converter.Factory
Returns a Converter for converting an HTTP response body to type, or null if type cannot be handled by this factory.
responseBodyConverter(Type, Annotation[], Retrofit) - Method in class retrofit2.OptionalConverterFactory
responseBodyConverter(Type, Annotation[]) - Method in class retrofit2.Retrofit
Returns a Converter for ResponseBody to type from the available factories.
responseType() - Method in interface retrofit2.CallAdapter
Returns the value type that this adapter uses when converting the HTTP response body to a Java object.
Retrofit - Class in retrofit2
Retrofit adapts a Java interface to HTTP calls by using annotations on the declared methods to define how requests are made.
Retrofit.Builder - Class in retrofit2
Build a new Retrofit.
retrofit2 - package retrofit2
Retrofit turns your REST API into a Java interface.
retrofit2.http - package retrofit2.http
Annotations for interface methods to control the HTTP request behavior.


service() - Method in class retrofit2.Invocation
SkipCallbackExecutor - Annotation Type in retrofit2
Change the behavior of a Call<BodyType> return type to not use the callback executor for invoking the onResponse or onFailure methods.
Streaming - Annotation Type in retrofit2.http
Treat the response body on methods returning ResponseBody as is, i.e.
stringConverter(Type, Annotation[], Retrofit) - Method in class retrofit2.Converter.Factory
Returns a Converter for converting type to a String, or null if type cannot be handled by this factory.
stringConverter(Type, Annotation[]) - Method in class retrofit2.Retrofit
Returns a Converter for type to String from the available factories.
success(T) - Static method in class retrofit2.Response
Create a synthetic successful response with body as the deserialized body.
success(int, T) - Static method in class retrofit2.Response
Create a synthetic successful response with an HTTP status code of code and body as the deserialized body.
success(T, Headers) - Static method in class retrofit2.Response
Create a synthetic successful response using headers with body as the deserialized body.
success(T, Response) - Static method in class retrofit2.Response
Create a successful response from rawResponse with body as the deserialized body.


Tag - Annotation Type in retrofit2.http
Adds the argument instance as a request tag using the type as the key.
timeout() - Method in interface retrofit2.Call
Returns a timeout that spans the entire call: resolving DNS, connecting, writing the request body, server processing, and reading the response body.
toString() - Method in class retrofit2.Invocation
toString() - Method in class retrofit2.Response


Url - Annotation Type in retrofit2.http
URL resolved against the base URL.


validateEagerly(boolean) - Method in class retrofit2.Retrofit.Builder
When calling Retrofit.create(java.lang.Class<T>) on the resulting Retrofit instance, eagerly validate the configuration of all methods in the supplied interface.
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